Hunter (C14)

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Photos of Hunter

Above; Hunter's ID photo in 1999, from Killer Whales 2nd Edition, by Ellis, Ford and Balcomb.

Bare Facts: Male ~ Born 1985 ~ Mother Ivory ~ Father I32 ~ Children Unknown ~ ID Straight fin, rounded tip; hooks slightly to the left at top

Hunter was born in 1985 to Ivory. DNA testing recently revealed that his father is I32, in the G-Clan. When he was born, Ivory was already matriarch (he was her first child to be born under her matriarchy) and the family consisted of her, his great-uncle Booker, and his older siblings Weynton, Lama and C12. However, barely a year after his birth, C12 had died.
For a few years, the small family travelled together. Hunter stuck by Ivory's side, occasionally wandering off to play with his big brother, who was just beginning to sprout.
From 1989-1991, a bunch of new additions joined the family, with the birth of his nephew Kisameet, his brother Squally, and his nephew/niece Virago. Three years later, his niece Quadra joined the matriline.
At around the age of 13, Hunter's fin began to sprout as he reached sexual maturity. By the age of 14, his fin, which had sprouted rapidly, was already almost as big as brother Weynton's. Within the next few years, it finished growing and became easily ID'able by the symmetry of it and the rounded tip.
In 2000, Hunter lost the only other male in the family with the death of his brother Weynton. For the next few years, Hunter was the only noticeable male in the matriline. Then, in 2004, coinciding with the birth of his niece/nephew C25, both his younger brother and his nephew Kisameet began to sprout. Now, their wobbling fins echo his.
In 2006, the family lost Quadra when she was hit by a boat.
Now, Hunter is 21 years old, still young for an orca, and has many years ahead of him.