Arrow (B16)

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Bare Facts: Unknown ~ Born 2004 ~ Mother Klaskish ~ Father Unknown ~ Children None ~ ID Unknown

Arrow was born in 2004, to Klaskish (B14). Arrow was Klaskish's first calf, but she proved herself a good mother when the little one returned after its first winter.
Arrow will be 2 this year. We don't know if the calf's a girl or a boy yet (we may not for another 10 years!). He/she travels with mom Klaskish, grandma Scarlett, uncles Slingsby, Nakwakto, and Yuculta, and uncle/aunt Raven. Although there isn't really a playmate of Arrow's age in the pod, Raven is still fairly young, and the guys will also take their turns in looking after the little one.
Arrow was named in 2006 by the Killer Whale Adoption Agency. He/she was the first calf born into B1 pod in nearly ten years.