SyC--Version 8.0--Enter Blur
Clique to Enter
Requirements: |iframes|squeeness|humor|computer|brain|mouse|
Clique Image To Enter SyC

I am in need of serious help!

Obviously it is visible that I do not update SyC much.... That is why I need you. I need people who will help me by making layouts, and by posting updates, and by making adoptables... All the credit will be given to you as staff at SyC. I know it's kinda lame since SyC isn't really a big hosted site.. though you can find it at ... but I am still in need of your help. If you are good with making layouts, html/css, making guides for games, tips, whatever just e-mail me at Please put the subject as neopets or something or I might just skip over it!! Thank you so much!