The webmaster has always had a fascination for archeology and has often gazed in amazement at beautiful and simple objects created by generally unnamed ancient artists. This cat is one such object and is from ancient Egypt. It is, in fact, a piece of funerary art, being a coffin for a sacred cat!  It is 11 inches tall, dates from the Ptolemaic period (304-30 B.C.) and is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York. In the above image, a single bronze cat (the right half) was "mirrored" to create the image here displayed. The bronze is over 2000 years old!

In resizing the image for use here, I can see that I lost some detail, so I urge you to see the original image as I saw it on the "Artchive" site here, or even better, head on over to the museum. Below is the head of the cat, unreduced, in all its glory.

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