What a superb image of a magnolia blossom (Magnolia grandiflora). It is the splendid copyrighted image of photographer Steven J. Wolf. Steven, an Associate Professor of Botany at California State University Stanislaus, at Turlock, California, invites you to visit his website by clicking  here. Thanks, Steven, yet again!

I did find a most interesting website in my search for data on the magnolia. From this site, I learned that Magnolia grandiflora is native to the U.S. southeast and can grow as tall as 90 feet; further that the blossoms grow to 8 to 12 inches across and are delightfully fragrant. The magnolia is the state flower of Louisiana and the state tree of Mississippi. There is one tree growing, I understand, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which is 99 feet tall, 71 feet across, and has a trunk 18 feet in circumference!

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