The second splendid lizard head image on site ~ anyone would think the Webmaster loves lizards! Not particularly so! Just fine images. And black & white images are always especially welcome.

This image is the copyrighted work of photographer Carrie Horvath of Winnetka, a suburb of Los Angeles, California. It was a "Photo of the Day" winner in October 2000 on the DigitalPhotoContest site ~ select "Carrie Horvath" from the list of photographers and you can see her archive there, currently of 60 winning images. The original image, taken with a Nikon CP990 camera and entitled "Reptile 960", can be seen here. Thank you, Carrie, for your kind permission.

Carrie has won numerous awards for her work. And I find that she maintains an archive at the Clubphoto site, an archive which would seem, as this is written, to be of approximately 1200 images. Click here for her index page. However does she find the time!

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