This splendid image is the copyrighted work of photographer Samantha Gladstone of Llanelli, near Swansea, Carmarthenshire, South Wales. It was a "Photo of the Day" winner in March 2000 on the DigitalPhotoContest site ~ select "Samantha Gladstone" from the list of photographers and you can usually see her image. But it can also be seen directly here on the Photopoint site where Samantha maintains an archive. It was taken with a Nikon CP900 camera.

The lizard, and what a splendid lizard he (or she) is, lives at Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire, England. Samantha, thank you so much for your lovely image and for your permission to use it here. Does anybody know what kind of a lizard it is? It is certainly a magnificent looking creature. Must turn the heads of all the other amorous lizards, I would think!

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