Star Bio-Sabina a.k.a. Tyra

Full Name:sabina a. (i know its says FULL name - no i'm not illiterate - but i have a long last i have been renamed 'sabina alphabet.'
Birthday:March 20, 1984
Age (for those of you who can't do the math..):17
Hometown:tee dot oh!
Band Position:singer/bass girl
Fav. Food:
Fav. Colour:PINK (with a passion)
Fav. Band:§uPeRmOdEl§aLlYŠ!!!!! whose isn't?!
Fav. Song:"I Wanna be A Supermodel"
Fav. Clothes:anything ROXY even though its over-priced for the quality...i just love the girlie heart symbol!
What I like to do:be in the band
Why I'm in the band:becasue i was so was asked. (p.s. i am honored that a band like §uPeRmOdEl§aLlYŠ, with such a high calibre and prestigous position would invite me to tour with them)
What I like about our band:the band members....the screaming fans....the sold out concerts.....etc.
Goals for the band:to be the top girl band in the world and win a few grammies...just a few *lol* (p.s. i've already begun my 'thank you speech.')