Shadow Realms













SR LARP Manual

Revised Second Edition

Plot : Matthew Kraus









Live action role playing at Shadow Realms is an experience unlike any other you could experience. Fantasy live role playing combines the natural beauty of the outdoors with the mystical atmosphere of a wizard=s legend. The only difference is, you take part in the legend when you enter into Shadow Realms.


Your first night at Shadow Realms will be a night you=ll remember for years. When you arrive at the gaming site, you=ll find yourself in a medieval village, seemingly stolen from a fantasy novel and placed on at a picturesque 50 acre forested site. Once there you will go through the logistics process, which includes creating a character to play and getting some starting money . You will also receive any weapons you might need, as well as professional medieval costuming. The plot member you enter with will explain to you the exact nature of the skills you have chosen for your character and how they will help you interact with the rest of the world and its inhabitants.


When you have finished creating your character, you will enter the game itself. You will arrive at the medieval village with whatever friends you have brought as allies...though perhaps they shall betray you? You will be overcome by awe as the feeling that you are entering into a fantasy novel overtakes you. You will begin to notice that there are people gathered in the village square, clustered in groups around roaring fires. These people are the wizards, elves and warriors who inhabit the world you all share. Some will be friendly, and some...evil incarnate.


AWho goes there?!@ the cry goes up from one of the fires as men in dark cloaks draw swords and prepare for combat. You realise they are talking to you. Not wanting a fight, you call out the name you have chosen for your character.


 AI am Drelwind Anthalas, of the Elven kingdom Arborthost and I come in peace.@ you state loudly into the night.


 AWell met friend.@ Comes the reply.


Just then you hear a woman scream from the other end of the village as harsh cries bite into the night air. AOrcs!@ yells one of the men. The people near the fires are pushed back as the first tide of green skinned warriors tear into the town. They scream savagely, chain mail glinting in the firelight. They hair is matted with war paint, their green faces contorted in battle frenzy.


AFour normal, four normal!@ one of them screams as he hacks into you. You quickly deduct 8 points of damage from you armour point total, leaving you with 14 points of armour left. That means you can=t take too many more hits and still walk out of this encounter.  You draw your twin short swords and begin to defend yourself as you see your allies do the same. One of the orcs screams in pain as a mage launches a lightning bolt into its chest, and it falls to the ground in a heap. Soon there are men and elves all around you, and the few remaining orcs fall into flight.


AWell met, Drelwind.@ states one of the men as he claps you on the back. AWelcome to Holds Keep.@ Only then do you notice the small keep huddled against the cold wind. In front of the keep you see an older man tending the wounded, and you realise the orcan threat is over.

This story is a short example of what your first night at Shadow Realms could be like. The only way to see what your first night will really be like is to enter into Shadow Realms and begin the adventures that await you there.




Creating a Character



Creating a character is really what this game is all about. You create a persona, an individual with unique ideas, beliefs and personality quirks. All of this character's motives, abilities and actions are up to you. The first thing to do when creating a character is to form a general idea of the character's personality; are they smart, curious, vengeful, restless etc. This persona is represented by the way that you act and interact with other players in the game. If you create a character who is vengeful and belligerent, you should not act timidly or be nervous. This is your chance to let loose, to show people your character=s personality through the way you present that character to other players. When you create your character, you create an alternate personality. This personality is your character, and you the person are the player. Your character needs to have a past, you come up with where they were born, what culture they grew up in, what resources they had available to them and in general what has occurred in their life up to the point that they enter the game.


 When you first make a character, you should (not required) write up a character history. This is essentially a letter to the plot members describing your characters life up to the moment the game begins. You can explain who your character is, what has happened to him/her so far in their life, their personality, their goals, and any other information about them that you want the plot members to know. Information from these character histories might be used in game later on. For example, if you write in your character history that you stole a magical ring from a powerful mage, you could start the game with the ring  -  not knowing what it does, and perhaps with a mage hunting you! So be careful what you put in your character history, and have fun with it. 


You must also choose a race for your character, and a particular array of skill dots. Skill dots represent the areas that your character has been trained in, and the types of skills that they will be able to learn in the future. When you make a character, you are given 5 skill dots to place in any of the class categories; magic, faith, general, weapons, and stealth. All characters have one extra dot (for a total of 6) in the Ageneral@ category. The placement of  these skill dots determine what skills you may purchase, as well as how many body points your character has. Every time you attend an event, you are given 3 experience points. Everyone attending the event gets the same number of points. These experience points are spent on skills that your character will use during the game. Starting characters get 30 experience points to spend on skills. The only skills you are allowed to purchase are those skills that fall into the categories you have placed your skill dots into. So if I want to buy the skill AWeapon Master@, a skill that falls into the third dot of the weapon category, I first need to have placed three of my starting skill dots into the Aweapon@ category. If I want to buy the skill Abasic Alchemy@, a skill that is in the second dot of the Ageneral@ category, I first need to have placed two of my 6 skill dots into the Ageneral@ category. It is possible to purchase more dots with experience points later in the game.


Body Points


Body points are a numerical representation of your character=s physical health, how much damage they can take as well as how close they are to dying. To determine the number of body points a character starts with and gains each level you must count up how many dots you have in each skill category. Which-ever two categories you have the most dots in are the ones that determine your  body points. You add the numbers corresponding to these two categories to determine the number of body you gain each level, and add that number to the starting body of your race to get your starting body.










Body Point Table       


Weapon:           2    

Stealth:          1

General:          1    

Magic:            0    

Faith:            0    


A quick example: The player wishes to play a shadowy character that always has a trick up his sleeve. He selects Elf as his race and he puts 3 dots in stealth, 1 dot in general, and his last 2 dots in magic. So the skill types that he has the most dots in are Stealth and Magic, stealth earning him 1 point , magic gaining him none. This gives him a total of 1 Body a level, plus (-1) Body (Elf Disadvantage) each level to a total of 1 Body a level. If a character has a tie for his two highest categories (i.e. has 2 dots in general, magic and weapons) then he uses the two that are most to his advantage.


Body Point Table


Body/Level  Level

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10    11   

1     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     12    11

2     2     4     6     8     10    12    14    16    18    20    22

3     3     6     9     12    15    18    21    24    27    30    33

4     4     8     12    16    20    24    28    32    36    40    44

+ (5) Human, (4) Elf, (6) Dwarf, (3) Halfling or (6) Half Orc



Death and Dying


Sooner or later, everyone enters combat. When you do so, you will need to know what how to react if you are defeated in a battle. Body points represent your character=s physical health, and when you run out of body points, your character suffers. This list shows what state your character will be in when you are at low levels of body points.


1 Body and above: Able to do all skills, fully conscious.


0 Body:     AUnconscious@. Characters in this state are unable to use any skill, or perform any action. They are unconscious, they cannot sense anything going on around them. When a character is at zero body points, they remain unconscious for 5 minutes, after which time they gain one body point and regain consciousness at 1 body point. Unconscious characters can be healed, but cannot be shaken awake.


-1 Body or less: ADying@. When a character reaches -1 body points, they are said to be dying.. During this time, the character is near death and has no awareness of the waking world. This state lasts for 5 minutes, during which time the character can be can be healed. This count will progress into a more serious state if left unattended for the 5 minutes. If these 5 minutes pass without the character recieving any healing, they die, and begin what is known as the Adeath count@.


Death Count: Characters in this state are dead. They have 5 minutes before their spirit leaves their body and they take a death. So, a dead character can still be healed. The only healing that affects a dead character is the spell ALife@. If these 5 minutes pass without the character being healed, then the character has Ataken a death@.


Taking a Death : This happens if a character remains dead for 5 minutes or more. Once this happens, the character must leave all of their in-game possessions (i.e. money, scrolls, weapons etc) at the place of their death. They must then go Aout of game@ and find a marshall who shall guide them through the resurrection process. Each character can take 2 deaths and still be resurrected. After taking 2 deaths, the character flips a coin each time they take a death. If it comes up heads, they are able to be resurrected. If it comes up tails, they take their final death and must make a new character.













Racial Characteristics:

This must be represented through make-up or prosthetics.


Racial Abilities:

All Racial Skills must be purchased by seventh level. Racial skills costing 4 experience or more cannot be bought until fifth level. Racial Abilities allowing for discounted skills are optional. Other racial skills can be bought at third level.


Racial Disadvantages

Are effective at character creation.


Required Skills:

Some races have  one skill group that must be chosen to at least the Basic level.


Life Expectancy

This range represents the average life-span of members of that race. 




Humans in Shadow Realms are just like humans here. They are fairly sturdy folk who are able to become adept at any craft. They gain no special advantages, and suffer no special disadvantages.


Starting Body:                5

Racial Characteristics:       None

Racial Abilities:             None

Racial Disadvantages:         None

Required Skills:              None

Life Expectancy:              52-90 (50+2d20)




Half-elves are a mix of human and elven blood. They usually have pointed ears, but this is not a racial necessity. They are usually at home in the woods, although they are as widespread as humans and are comfortable in most settings. They gain archery for half price, and also gain one of the two following racial benefits. They gain one of : resist enchantment for 3, or forest-walk for 8. They gain body as a human, but are rather weak in their youth.


Starting Body :               3

Racial Characteristics :      None

Racial Abilities :            archery for 2, as well as one of : resist charm(3) or forest-walk(8)

Racial Disadvantages :        None

Required Skills :             None

Life Expectancy :             205 - 600(201 + 4d100)












Elves are generally tall, lithe creatures, with a mystical elegance. They have fair skin and pointed ears. They are excellent hunters, as they usually learn archery at a young age, and seem to have an almost magical ability to disappear in any wooded area. They usually form cities in woodland areas, and are usually uncomfortable outside of a woodland setting. Many elves are quite adept at magic and are some of the best sorcerers in the realms. Elves also have a natural resistance to mind affecting spells and all types of charm. They may purchase archery at half price(round down), they may purchase forest-walk at fifth level for 6, as well as resist charm for 2. They are of a weaker stature than humans, and as such do not gain as many body points per level as a human of the same skill array would.


Starting Body:                4

Racial Characteristics:       Pointed Ears

Racial Abilities:             Purchase Archery at 1/2 price(round down), Resist                        Resist Enchantment for 2, Forestwalk                                     for 6

Racial Disadvantages:         -1 Body each level, minimum of 1 Body each level

Required Skills:              Magic

Life Expectancy:              620-1000 (600+20d20)



Drow, or Dark Elves, are a race long ago outcast from normal elven society. Now they survive beneath the earth=s surface through magic and treachery. As such, the other races tend to be wary and distrustful of them, and rightly so. The majority of Drow are evil, although there are some who are lawful and altruistic. Drow have a natural resistance to magic, and as such have developed an arrogance that spans virtually the entire race. They make excellent thieves, for they have, after centuries of subterranean life, learned to hide themselves in virtually any shadows they find. They, like all elves, are expert archers.

Starting Body:                4

Racial Characteristics:       Pointed Ears, Black Skin

Racial Abilities:             Purchase Archery at 1/2 price(round down),                                Resist Magic and Shadow walk  for 4 each      

Racial Disadvantages:         -1 Body each level, minimum of 1 Body each                                level, total body is halved during the day                                      (6am-6pm)

Required Skills:              Magic

Life Expectancy:              620-1000 (600+20d20)




Dwarves are usually shorter than the average human. Most of them have broad shoulders and flowing beards. Young dwarves and females have wispy whiskers that may or may not form complete beards. Considered to be hard workers and strong fighters, Dwarves generally shun play in favour of labour. Dwarves are generally as dependable as the rock they carve and loyal as the steel they forge. Dwarves live in mountain fortresses or in hill forts near mountain ranges. They are not a subterranean race, although they are at home around caves, rock and soaring mountain ranges. Dwarves are sturdy folk who have natural resistance to poisons. Dwarves love to build things, to work with their hands, and as such must spend a portion of their time learning to make things. They distrust magic and will never try to learn it.







Starting Body:          6

Racial Characteristics:       Full Beard for males. Wispy half beard for        youths and females.

Racial Advantages:            Body Bonus: 3, Smithing: 3, Resist Toxin: 3

Racial Disadvantages:         Dwarves may not purchase Read Magic, and must spend 1/10 of all Character Points to purchase Production Skills (smith, alchemy, potion making)

Required Skills:              Smithing

Life Expectancy:              240-440 (220+20d10)






Halflings, despite their name, are generally only slightly shorter than a short human. The vast majority of Halflings are civilized and cultured. Because of their nimble fingers and agile feet, they are usually pictured as consummate thieves. Halflings are adept at all walks of life, though they tend away from being warriors. Most halflings are unassuming folk whose quick feet and powerful immune systems keep them out of the trouble that their wits get them into. They usually have a very positive outlook on life and have trouble realising that trouble can actually reach them.



Starting Body:                3

Racial Characteristics:       Furred tops of feet. Full sideburns for males, wispy ones for youths and females.

Racial Abilities:             Resist Fear: 1, Resist Toxins: 3, Dodge:6.

Racial Disadvantages:         -1 Body Points every level. Cannot purchase scribe. No Heavy Weapon Skills.

Required Skills:              Stealth

Life Expectancy:              120-180 (100+20d4)


Half Orc


The other races usually shun the tragic results of Orcan brutality; Half Orcs. Half Orcs generally stand well over the average human and are exceptionally strong. Many become pit fighters or bandits. They suffer many of the same prejudice as Drow, because they tend towards chaotic, selfish behaviour. Half-orcs can live anywhere, in any culture, although wherever they go, prejudice seems to follow. Most of them find the greatest acceptance among orcs, though even then they are regarded as weaklings. Life for half-orcs is usually difficult, but these strong half-breeds sometimes flourish and fight back against a life that trods down upon them. They hate magic and will never learn secular magic, though they sometimes find faith.


Starting Body:                6

Racial Characteristics:       green skin, fangs or large incisors.

Racial Abilities:             +1 Strength costs 1/2, Body Bonus: 3

Racial Disadvantages:         No Magic Skills allowed.

Required Skills:              Weapon

Life Expectancy:              10-28 (8 + 2d10)










Race of Choice


If you want to play a race that is not listed here, feel free to do so. You can hand in a write up of the race to the head of plot. This write up must include all of the races benefits, flaws, starting body and so forth. Try to make sure the race is equally as powerful as the rest of the races, if it is designed just to be more powerful than everyone else it will not be allowed. The marshalls have final say in any changes to the race and as to whether or not it will be allowed.





Shadow Realms Skill Chart




Weapon Skills



One Dot Skills


Skill                         Cost        Pre-Requisite


Basic Weapon                  4           None

Buckler                       2           None

Florentine                    2           Basic Weapons

Two Weapons                   3           Florentine

Shield                        3           Buckler

Archery                       3           Basic Weapons

Light Hafted                  2           Basic Weapons

Light Blades                  3           Basic Weapons




Two Dot Skills


Weapon Damage +1              10          Weapon Skill

Basic Skill Strike            2           Weapon Damage +1


Precision Strike

Body Blow


Intermediate Skill Strike     3           Weapon Damage+2,Basic Skill Strikex2



Critical Strike


Heavy Hafted                  4           Light Hafted

Heavy Blades                  4           Light Blades

Extra Body                    2           None

Style Master                  10          Basic Weapons

Tower Sheild                  3           Sheild

Ambidexterity                 2           Two Weapons






Three Dot Skills

Weapons Master                16          None

Master Damage +1              14          Weapon Skill

Advanced Skill Strike         4           Weapon Damage +3, Inter. Skill                                                  Strike x 2



Regenerate Self

Advanced Attack

Greater Skill Strike          5           Weapon Damage +4, Adv. Skill                                                    Strike x 2

Critical Slay

Wall of Steel


Dexterity Armour              5           None

+1 strength                   12          human,dwarf,1/2 orc


Stealth Skills


One Dot Skills          Cost        Pre-Requisite

Appraise                      2           None

Buckler                       2           None

Florentine                    2           Weapon Skill

Basic Weapons                 4           None

Light Blades                  3           Basic Weapons

Archery                       3           Basic Weapons

Disarm Traps                  3           None

Open Locks                    2           None

Light Hafted                  3           Basic Weapons


 Two Dot Skills

Backstab +2                   10          Weapon Skill

Basic Skill Strike            2           Backstab +2


Precision Strike

Body Blow


Intermediate Skill Strike     3           Backstab +4, Basic Skill Strike x 2


Vital Blow

Shadow Walk


Dexterity Armor               5           None             

Two Weapons                   3           Florentine


Three Dot Skills

Master Backstab +2            14          Weapon Skill

Advanced Skill Strike         4           Backstab +6, Inter. Skill Strike x 2




Forest Walk

Greater Skill Strike          5           Backstab+8,Advanced Skill Strike x 2

Death Blow

Silent Strike


Dodge                         5           Dexterity Armour x 2

Forest Walk                   5           Dexterity Armour x 2




Magic Skills


One Dot Skills          Cost        Pre-Requisite


Basic Weapons                 4           None

Read Magic                    5           Read and Write

Petty  Magic                  2           Read Magic

Sense Magic                   4           Read Magic


Two Dot Skills


Basic Magic                   6           Petty Magic x2, Sense Magic

Scribe                        4           Petty Magic

Advanced Magic                10          Basic Magic x 2,Scribe


 Three Dot Skills


Greater Magic                 14          Advanced Magic x 2, Identify

Ritual Magic                  6           Greater Magic x 2


Faith Skills


One Dot Skill           Cost        Pre-Requisite


Basic Weapons                 4           None

Light Hafted                  3           Basic Weapons

Buckler                       2           None

Shield                        3           Buckler

Novice Faith                  2           Medical Arts, Read/Write

Create Potion                 4           Novice Faith

Two Dot Skills


Intermediate Faith            6           Novice Faith x2, Create Potion

Blessing                      4           Intermediate Faith

High Faith                    10          Int. Faith x2, Blessing



Three Dot Skills


Sacramental Faith             14          High Faith x 2, Prayer

Divine Faith                  6           Sacramental Faith x2

Prayer                        5           High Faith x1


General Skills


One Dot Skills


Basic Weapons                 4           None

Read and Write                2           None

Herbalism                     8           Read and Write

Disarm Traps                  4           None

Medical Arts                  3           Bandage

Bandage                       2           None

Craftsman Skill               2           None

Smithing                      4           None

Tracking                      2           None





Two Dot Skills

Basic Alchemy                 5           Herbalism

Light Blades                  3           Basic Weapons

Archery                       4           Basic Weapons

Create Traps                  4           Disarm Traps


Three Dot Skills

Advanced Alchemy              5           Basic Alchemy x 4

Chemistry                     5           Advanced Alchemy x 4


Racial Skills                

Note : Any racial skill costing 4 build or more cannot be bought until 5th level, and all racial skills must be purchased by 7th level. Skills cheaper than 4 experience points can be bought at third level.


Skill                         Cost  Pre-Requisite


Body Bonus                    3     Dwarf, Half Orc

Resist Enchantment            2/3   Elf/Half-Elf

Resist Fear                   1     Halfling

Dodge                         6     Halfling

Resist Magic                  4     Drow

Resist Toxins                 3     Dwarf, Halfling

Forestwalk                    6/8   Elf/Half-Elf

Shadowmeld                    4     Drow



Skill Descriptions



Racial Skills


Body Bonus


Available to Dwarves and Half-Orcs, this skill grants a +1 body for every level the character has obtains after purchasing the skill.


Resist Enchantment


Available to Elves and Half-Elves, once per day per purchase they may resist any spell from the Enchantment spell list, which includes Fumble, Fear, Sleep and Charm. Also allows them to resist any mind affecting alchemical attacks, as well as any mind affecting assaults.


Resist Fear


Available to Halflings, once per day per purchase they may resist any spell, innate ability or alchemy, which has the effect Afear@.


Resist Magic


Available to Drow. Once per day, per purchase, the drow may resist any one non-Ritual magic spell or innate ability.



Resist Toxin


Available to Dwarves and Halflings, once per day per purchase they may resist any alchemy or the effects of a poison/disease/nausea attack.




By stating "Dodge" the character can use his catlike reflexes to avoid any one attack, be it physical, magical or alchemical. Essentially defends the user against any one attack of any sort. (Except some ritual magics). One use per day per purchase.


Forest Walk


This skill is similar to Shadow Walk except that it is also usable in the day and brightly lit areas. The character must state "Forest Walk 1, Forest Walk 2, Forest Walk 3" to enact this ability. The count must be broken if any others spot the character during the activation count.






Weapon Skills




Allows the use of a small weapon in combatants off-hand. ie Now you can use two weapons, as long as one of them is small.


Basic Weapon


This skill allows the use of the following weapons; thrown rock, club, sling, staff and hand to hand, as well as any small weapon. Does not include stiletto or hand crossbow.



Allows the use of a  buckler; a small shield, no more than 1.5 feet in any dimension. The arm with the buckler on it can still be used to wield a weapon, as long as the weapon is a small weapon. (dagger etc) and the wearer has the skill florentine. Any magical or alchemical attack striking the buckler affect the wearer with full effect. If the buckler suffers 20 or more points of damage in one single attack it is destroyed. The buckler will stop any physical attack.




Allows a character to use a shield. Shields will stop physical strikes from boffer weapons only. Shields will also stop any packet delivered attack that states "physical" as a prefix. If struck in the shield by alchemy or spells, then the wearer takes the effect of the spell or alchemy. Maximum size is 3 feet in any dimension. If the shield suffers 40 damage or more in one single hit, it is destroyed.



Tower Sheild


Allows a character to use a larger shield, maximum size is 5 feet in any dimension. Any magical or alchemical attack striking the shield affect the wearer with full effect. If the shield suffers 60 or more points of damage in one single attack it is destroyed.




Allows use of any bow or crossbow.


Light Hafted


Allows the use of any one handed mace, axe, spear, club, hammer etc..(any one handed weapon with a haft) whose base damage is 2 or less.


Light Blades


Allows the use of any one handed bladed weapon whose base damage is 2 or less. (includes stiletto, axe, thrown dagger, and any one handed weapon with a cutting edge)


Two Weapons


Allows the dual use of two weapons, provided that one of them is of short sword length(34") or less.




Allows the use of any one handed weapon in either hand.


Skill Strike: Disarm


Once per day, per purchase, after striking a held item, or the target=s body, and stating "Skill Strike: Disarm", the target must drop held object, as if struck by a disarm spell. There is no duration.


Skill Strike: Precision Strike


Once per day, per purchase, may add 12 points of damage to any one weapon attack. May not be used in conjunction with any other Skill Strike.

Skill Strike: Body Blow


Once per day, per purchase, may swing for +4 body for one weapon attack. May not be used in conjunction with any other Skill Strike.


Skill Strike: Duel


Once per day, per purchase, may swing for +2 for one fight against one foe. May not be used in conjunction with any other Skill Strike. If combat is exited for 60 seconds skill is used up. Changing targets ends the skill=s duration. This skill may be ended at will.


Weapon Damage +1


Increases damage called for by one, in chosen weapon category.(light hafted, basic weapons etc.). Note that this skill can be bought multiple times to achieve +2 damage, +3 damage etc. for the same price as a +1 proficiency.





Intermediate Skill Strike: Shatter


The warrior may break any item shield size(3 foot circle) or smaller, so long as the item is hit. Note that the target=s body can also be hit in order shatter a hand held item or an item on their person. The declaration is "Skill Strike: Shatter". This skill is usable once per day per purchase. The shattered item could be a weapon, scroll, potion, necklace etc., and is permanently destroyed.


Intermediate Skill Strike: Parry


Will deflect any one "physical@ attack, including touch casting, but excluding any packet delivered magical attacks. Stops any weapon attack or any attack beginning with the pre-fix "physical". You can parry alchemy. Used by stating "Parry". After an attack has been parried, it is used up. You can parry any attack upon any target within your weapon=s reach.


Intermediate Skill Strike: Focus


Once per day, per purchase, may swing for +2 damage for one fight against all foes. May not be used in conjunction with any other Skill Strike. If combat is exited for 60 seconds skill is burned. Focus may be ended at will.


Intermediate Skill Strike: Critical Strike


Once per day, for one weapon attack per purchase, the warrior  may multiply damage swung for by five (+ five). For example a warrior swinging for "5 normal" may swing for "30 Normal" (5x5=25, +5=30), once per day, per purchase.


Advanced Skill Strike: Dismember


Once per day, per purchase, the warrior may strike an opponent on any limb and call "Skill Strike: Dismember". The opponent loses that limb and suffers body damage equal to half of the targets total body points. Target regains limb when they regain all of the body lost by the attack.


Advanced Skill Strike: Berserk


Once per day, per purchase, the warrior gains the ability to go into a berserker rage. The berserker swings for plus four damage and doubles his body points for the duration of one fight, during which time the warrior indiscriminately attacks the nearest target. The berserker will attack his friends if they come too close. If the warrior exits combat for a 60 second count the skill is used up. Berserk may be exited at will. Upon the ending of the skill, the warrior is dropped to 1 body point, regardless of the damage he suffered. This skill is not usable in conjunction with any other skill strike.


Advanced Skill Strike: Restore Self


Once per day, per purchase, the warrior may rest for a 1 minute count and heal himself of all Body Point damage. During this rest no combat or other active skills (casting, using skillstrikes, fixing armour etc.) may be performed. The warrior may not run but may walk, read and use any passive skill.   This skill has no effect on poison or other maladies, although you can heal damage caused by poison.


Advanced Skill Strike; Advanced Attack


Once per day, per purchase, the warrior may multiply his damage by ten for one swing. For example a warrior swinging for seven would call "Seventy Normal".




Heavy Hafted


Allows the use of any two-handed hafted weapon including maces, hammers, spears, axes etc. as well as any hafted weapon inflicting more than 2 base damage. This skill is needed to wield any hafted weapon dealing more than 2 damage.


Heavy Blades


Allows the use of any two-handed bladed weapon, including swords, axes, scythes, as well as a bastard sword and broad sword, whose base damage is greater than 2.  This skill is needed to wield any bladed weapon dealing more than 2 damage.


Extra Body


Each time this skill is purchased the warrior gains an additional three body points, permanently.


Weapons Master


Grants proficiency in all weapons.


Weapons Master +1 Damage


Grants a plus one damage in all weapons that the character is proficient in.


Greater Skill Strike; Critical Slay


Once per day, per purchase, the warrior may multiply his damage by fifteen for one swing. For example a warrior swinging for seven would call "One Hundred  and five normal".


Greater Skill Strike: Wall of Steel


Once per day, per purchase, the warrior may plant his feet and so long as they don't move and his weapon is drawn he is immune to all physical attacks, as per a parry. He may fight normally, minus the footwork of course, but may not use other skill-strikes except Amastery@. Does stop alchemical attacks. If someone tries to physically move the player, he can parry the attack.


Greater Skill Strike; Mastery


Once per day, per purchase, the warrior may add a six to his damage for one fight and double his body point total. For example a warrior normally swinging for eight swings for fourteen for the duration of the one fight. This may not be used in conjunction with any other Skill Strike, with the exception of Awall of steel@ and Aparry@. If the warrior exits combat for one minute the skill is burned. The extra body gained is lost at the end of the skills use, but will not injure the warrior. ie will not bring him below his total body if he was above before the skill wore off.


Dexterity Armour


Each purchase grants the user 5 points of Dexterity Armor. These points represent the character=s agility, and are counted as body points or as armour points, whichever is most beneficial to the combatant.  These points regenerate at a rate of 5 points per 30 minutes of rest.






+1 Strength


This skill grants the player a +1 strength bonus, which allows the to overpower weaker foes. In addition, this skill grants the player one extra point of damage on all physical attacks. They may also use one physical representation size smaller for a large weapon. That means that if the player is using a broad sword in-game, the player may use a long sword phys. rep. If the player is using a two-handed sword in-game, they may use a bastard sword phys. rep. Characters with this skill can rip free of a Apin@ spell in a 3 count while suffering one point of body damage. The player with plus one strength can rip others free in a 3 count, inflicting 1 point of body damage to that person. This skill costs half for half-orcs. This skill may only be purchased once.



Stealth Skills




Allows the player to spend one minute examining any in game item and determine its in game value, if it is a non-magical item. Certain items cannot be appraised. If it is an item the appraiser cannot identify, such as an unknown alchemy or scroll, they are unable to appraise it.




Allows the use of a  buckler; a small shield, no more than 1.5 feet in any dimension. The arm with the buckler on it can still be used to wield a weapon, as long as the weapon is a small weapon. (dagger etc) and the wearer has the skill florentine. Any magical or alchemical attack striking the buckler affect the wearer with full effect. If the buckler suffers 20 or more points of damage in one single attack it is destroyed. The buckler will stop any physical attack.



Allows the use of any small weapon in combatants off-hand. i.e. Now you can use two weapons, as long as one of them is small.


Basic Weapon


This skill allows the use of the following weapons; thrown rock, dagger, staff and hand to hand, as well as any small weapon. (excluding stiletto and hand crossbow).


Light Hafted


Allows the use of any one handed mace, axe, spear, club, hammer etc. whose maximum base damage is 2.(any one handed weapon with a haft).


Light Blades


Allows the use of any one handed bladed weapon whose maximum base damage is 2. (includes stiletto, axe, thrown dagger, and any one handed weapon with a cutting edge)


Two Weapons


Allows the dual use of two weapons, provided that one of them is of short sword length(34") or less.




Allows use of any bow or crossbow.






Disarm Traps


This skill allows the player to, after spending one minute performing the task, to disarm any explosive trap or massive physical traps.  If the player disarming the trap has the skill herbalism, they are also able to disarm alchemical traps.


Open Locks


Grants the ability to open any non-magical lock after a one minute count  of lock picking. (AI pick the lock 1, I pick the lock 2,...@)


Backstab +2


Grants the user a plus 2 damage from behind and a plus .5 from the front. This bonus is applied to one weapon group that the character is skilled in.  Both shoulder blades and the small of the back of the target must be visible to gain the extra 2 damage. All damage from the front attack bonus is rounded down. The two bonuses are not cumulative.


Basic Stealth Ability: Disarm


Once per day, per purchase, after striking any hand held item, or the target=s body, and stating "Skill Strike: Disarm", the player can cause the target to drop the object, as if struck by a disarm spell. There is no duration.


Basic Stealth Ability: Precision Strike


Once per day, per purchase, may add 12 points of damage to any one weapon attack. May not be used in conjunction with any other Skill Strike.


Basic Stealth Ability: Body Blow


Once per day, per purchase, may swing for +4 body for one weapon attack. May not be used in conjunction with any other Skill Strike.


Basic Stealth Ability: Waylay


Once per day, per purchase, may swing for "Waylay". This must be a rear attack and strike 'gently' between the targets shoulder blades. The butt of the weapon may be used for this attack but it is not necessary. The target is knocked unconscious for ten minutes and loses one body point. Has no effect on some targets such as undead or golems.


Intermediate Stealth Ability: Stun


Once per day, per purchase, by stating "Skill Strike: Stun" and striking the target, the target is rendered "Stunned". He must drop all hand held items, is rendered unable to use any skills, and cannot move faster than a crawl for 10 seconds. Has no effect on some targets such as undead or golems.


Intermediate Stealth Ability: Vital Blow


Once per day, per purchase, user may multiply damage swung for by 3 and change the damage type to body. For example a character that swings for 8 from the rear would now swing for "24 Body" for one weapon attack per purchase.







Intermediate Skill Strike: Maim


This skill grants the rogue the ability to once per day, per purchase, attempt to maim his opponent. By stating "Skill Strike: Maim" and with a successful limb shot the player can  render the target unable to use the struck limb, as well as inflicting 2 Body Points of damage. The limb may be used once the body  damage has been healed.


Intermediate Stealth Ability: Shadow Walk


Allows the rogue to effectively hide in shadows and become "invisible" to most targets. Some creatures, such as undead will be able to spot the life force of the rogue. This skill lasts as long as the theif is within arms reach of any object (tree, building, extremely dense brush, statue etc.) that is at least as large as the rogue. Rogues cannot use people, light brush or transparent objects as their AHiding Object". This skill is only usable at night, usually between 9pm and 6am, or in extreme darkness. Cannot be used indoors if the room is lit. This skill ends if the area the rogue is in becomes well lit, or if the rogue is successfully attacked (struck by an attack), or if the rogue speaks, uses any active skill such as casting or attacking, or if the rogue makes any large noise or leaves the range of the skills usability.  Takes a three count of "I enter the shadows 1, I enter the shadows 2..." to use. Characters in a Ashadow walk@ who are not visible to other players must indicate that they are invisible to other players by placing their hand or weapon on the top of their head, and by stating that they are Ashadow walking@.


Advanced Stealth Ability: Forest Walk


This skill is similar to Shadow Walk except that it is also usable in the day and brightly lit areas. The character must state "Forest Walk 1, Forest Walk 2, Forest Walk 3" to enact this ability. The count must be broken if any others spot the character during the activation count.


Advanced Stealth Ability: Dodge


By stating "Dodge" the character can use his catlike reflexes to avoid any one attack, be it physical, magical or alchemical. Essentially defends the user against any one attack of any sort. (Except some ritual magicks). One use per day per purchase.


Advanced Stealth Ability: Disembowel


Once per day, per purchase, by striking the target and stating "Skill Strike: Disembowel" the target suffers body damage equal to the attacker's normal attack damage multiplied by 6. If you normally swing for 8 normal from the rear, you get one attack of A42 body@ from the rear.


Advanced Stealth Ability : Knockout


Once per day, per purchase, this skill allows the character to strike a target and call ASkillstrike Knockout@. This skillstrike will render the target unconscious for 10 minutes, similar to the sleep spell. The target may be shaken awake(takes 1 minute). This skillstrike causes one point of body damage.


Greater Stealth Ability: Death Blow


Once per day, per purchase, by stating "Skill Strike: Death Blow" and striking the target, the target is placed in his death count.








Greater Stealth Ability: Silent Strike


Once per day, per purchase, while using a Shadow walk or Forest walk skill the rogue may use the Silent Strike in conjunction with any other attack without disrupting the Shadow walk/Forest walk. Ex: "Silent Skill Strike: 12 normal". Note, if the rogue uses this in conjunction with another skillstrike, both are lost. For example, you are a rogue who is currently shadow walking next to a band of ogres. One of them turns his back to you, almost begging to be struck. You Can hit him with a disembowel, and leave the shadows, or you could use a ASilent Strike@ and remain hidden. You can still use the disembowel, and you=d call ASilent strike 42 body@. This would use up your silent strike as well as your disembowel. Keep in mind the target knows they=ve been hit, just not by what.


Greater Stealth Ability: Avoidance


Once per day, per purchase, the rogue becomes remarkably agile for a short duration. When struck by any attack, the rogue may state "Avoidance" and treat the attack as though it were just dodged. This skill grants the user three dodges, provided they are used on consecutive attacks. As long as the rogue uses no other skills for the duration, the character is granted three dodges. These must be used on consecutive attacks. If 30 seconds pass between attacks, any remaining dodges are lost. No skills may be used until all of the three dodges are used, or all of the remaining dodges become used up.


Master Backstab +2


Identical to ABackstab +2", except that this bonus applies to all weapons the character is proficient in.        


Dexterity Armour


Each purchase grants the user 5 points of Dexterity Armor. These points are counted as body or as armour, whichever is most beneficial to the combatant.  These points regenerate at a rate of 5 points per 30 minutes of rest.




By stating "Dodge" the character can use his catlike reflexes to avoid any one attack, be it physical, magical or alchemical. Essentially defends the user against any one attack of any sort. (Except some ritual magics). One use per day per purchase. This skill can be purchased after buying 10 points of dexterity armour for the first dodge purchase, and after every single purchase of dexterity armour after that. Note that forest walk can be bought in place of a dodge, but not as well as a dodge.


Forest Walk


This skill is similar to Shadow Walk except that it is also usable in the day and brightly lit areas. The character must state "Forest Walk 1, Forest Walk 2, Forest Walk 3" to enact this ability. The count must be broken if any others spot the character during the activation count. This skill can be bought after two purchases of dexterity armour, and after every single purchase of dexterity armour after that. Note that a dodge can be bought in place of a forest-walk, but not as well as a forest-walk.











Magic Skills


Read Magic


This skill allows the user to read magic scrolls and spell books. The mage can read any magic scroll, but can only cast scrolls that are up to one level above what they can normally cast. Thus a mage with just the Read Magic skill and no spells can cast any Petty Magic spell off of a scroll. In order to cast a scroll, a mage must be able to cast a spell of the same school as the scroll. This spell can be no more than one level below the level of the spell on the scroll. So if I have a fireball scroll, in order for me to be able to cast it I must know the spell ice bolt. This is because ice bolt is the spell that is of the same school as the spell on the scroll, and is one level lower than the spell on the scroll.


Sense Magic

This skill allows the character to determine if an item is magical after a 60 second examination. It does not tell the character anything about the item beyond whether or not it has any magical properties. Scrolls and clerical potions are magical, mithril weapons and alchemy are not.



This skill allows the character to determine if an item is magical and what the exact  nature of its magic is. It will allow a character to determine what spells or magic enchant an item, what its capabilities are and how powerful it is. Note that there are some magical items that have hidden powers that cannot be detected using this skill, but such items are very rare and quite powerful.




Scribe is a production point skill, which grants 2 production points each event per purchase. This skill allows the character to create scrolls, or scribe spells into a spell book.  To scribe into scroll form a spell the mage must be able to cast that scroll. The production point cost is equal to the Power Point cost for the spell. So to create a pin scroll, you need 1 production point and the ability to cast the pin spell. To enter spells into a spell book requires access to that spell in either scroll or spell book form, and costs 2 production points per spell point cost of the spell. So to scribe a bind spell into a spell book costs 6 production points. If a spell is scribed into a spell book it is destroyed.


Ritual Magic


Ritual Magic may be purchased once two levels of Greater Magic spells are known. Ritual Magic is magic far more powerful than any of the spells listed in this book, this is the magic used to create golems and magical weapons. Any other knowledge must be discovered in game.



Petty Magic


See AMagic System@.


Basic Magic


See AMagic System@.





Advanced Magic


See AMagic System@.


Greater Magic


See AMagic System@.


Faith Skills


Create Potion


This is a production point skill, which grants the character two production points per purchase. It allows the character to create potions that perform certain spell functions. Potions can only be made from the schools protection, augmentation, alteration and healing. The cleric can only create potions of spells they can cast, and the production point cost of the ption is equal to the casting cost, in faith points, of the spell.


Divine Faith


Divine Faith may be purchased once two levels of Sacramental Faith spells are known. Divine Faith allows the character to perform demi-god like feats, such as restoring life to someone who has taken a death or making someone immune to normal weapons. Any other knowledge must be discovered in game.




This skill grants the character the ability to use a certain spell-like ability, the exact nature of which depends upon the deity they worship. See the APantheon of Gods@.


Novice Faith


See AMagic System@.


Intermediate Faith


See AMagic System@.


High Faith


See AMagic System@.


Sacramental Faith


See AMagic System@.


Basic Weapon


This skill allows the use of the following weapons; thrown rock, sling, staff and hand to hand, as well as any small weapon.




Allows the use of a  buckler; a small shield, no more than 1.5 feet in any dimension. The arm with the buckler on it can still be used to wield a weapon, as long as the weapon is a small weapon. (dagger etc)





Allows a character to use a shield. Shields will stop physical strikes from boffer weapons only. Shields will also stop any packet delivered attack that states "physical" as a prefix. If struck in the shield by alchemy or spells, then the wearer takes the effect of the spell or alchemy. Maximum size is 2.5 feet by 3.5 feet.


Light Hafted

Allows the use of any one handed mace, axe, spear, club, hammer etc..(any one handed weapon with a haft).


Heavy Hafted

Allows the use of any two-handed hafted weapon including maces, hammers, spears, axes etc. as well as any hafted weapon inflicting mote than 2 base damage.



This skill allows the cleric to enter into a deep communication with their God. This is similar to meditation and normal prayer, and takes a minimum of 10 minutes to achieve the desired state of consciousness. The cleric may ask their deity one appropriate question, which the deity will (probably) answer. There must be a marshall present when this skill is used.








General Skills


Basic Weapon


This skill allows the use of the following weapons; thrown rock, dagger, staff and hand to hand, as well as any small weapon. (excluding stiletto and hand crossbow).


Disarm Traps


This skill allows the player to, after spending one minute performing the task, to disarm any explosive trap. If the player disarming the trap has the skill herbalism, they are also able to disarm alchemical traps. You cannot disarm massive physical traps unless you spend 10 minutes doing so.


Read and Write


This skill allows the character to read and write in one specific language; usually common. You may purchase this skill several times for several languages, although being able to read and write a language doesn=t mean you can speak it.




This skill allows a character to identify, at a glance, the nature of any given alchemical substance. This gives the character the knowledge of plants and herbs they need in order to be able to locate the specific ingredients for alchemical potions and elixirs. This skill also demonstrates the character=s familiarity with all forms of alchemy to the point that they can apply them. This means that characters with this skill can throw gas globes, apply contact gels and so forth. Note that to throw gas globes the skill basic weapons is also needed.

A player with this skill as well as Medical Arts gains the ability to Aslow poison@. This ability allows the player to spend all of their energies on a poisoned character to ensure that the poisoned character loses no body points from the poison that afflicts them. During the use of this skill Aslow poison@, neither the poisoned character nor the healer may use any active skills or move at all.




This allows the character to bandage an injured person. If the injured person is not in their death count, but they are dying, then a character with this skill can raise them up to 0 body points after one minute of bandaging. If they are in their death count, this skill does nothing. If a character has medical arts as well as the bandage skill, then they can raise a semi-conscious (0 body) character to 1 body point after one minute of medical attention.


Medical Arts


This skill demonstrates a character=s familiarity with all forms os sickness and injury. After one minute of examination, the character can identify how many body points the target has left, how many they=ve lost, whether they are poisoned, paralysed, under the influence of a sleep elixer and so forth. A one minute examination will let the character know all health facts about the target. Targets must be willing or unable to resist. This skill also allows the character to bring a semi-conscious character(0 body) up to one body point after one minute of giving aid.



A player with this skill as well as Herbalism gains the ability to Aslow poison@. This ability allows the player to spend all of their energies on a poisoned character to ensure that the poisoned character loses no body points from the poison that afflicts them. During the use of this skill Aslow poison@, neither the poisoned character nor the healer may use any active skills or move at all.




This shows proficiency in a chosen field, such as bricklaying, carpentry or sewing. This skill guarantees an income of 2 silver pieces per event per purchase.




 This skill allows the player to identify tracks by the race that made the tracks, the number of creatures making the tracks, the direction of the tracks, and the age of the tracks. Every purchase of this skill allows the character to follow the tracks for an additional 50 yards.


Light Blades


Allows the use of any one handed bladed weapon. (includes stiletto, axe, thrown dagger, and any one handed weapon with a cutting edge).




Allows use of any bow or crossbow.



Create Traps


This is a production point skill, giving 4 production points per event per purchase. With these production points the character can create several different types of traps. All traps must remain stationary once placed, and must have a trigger that is audible (such as a mouse-trap). All traps must have an in-game phys-rep, whose size depends upon the type and power of the trap.

The three types of traps are : massive physical traps, such as pit falls, explosive traps, which are essentially jars of volatile liquid that explode in a 10 foot radius when the trigger goes of, and alchemical traps, which spray a certain alchemical effect in a 10 foot radius.


When creating traps there is a monetary cost involved; the character must buy the correct items for the trap set-up. The cost to make traps is 1sp per pp. The normal sale price of traps is 3sp per pp.




Production Points     Total Production

Trap        Min. Damage Max Damage  Per damage point        Points


Massive           15          50          1                 15-50



Explosive         6           30          0.5               3-15


Alchemical        -           -           -                 See Below




Massive Physical Traps


These traps are usually deep pits full of spikes. To construct these traps takes 3 minutes per point of damage if built during an event. They may be built before an event, in which case the placement and decision to do so must be made at the end of the prior event. These traps take up an area of 1 square

foot per 5 points of damage, and require a string outline (which may be concealed) as well asa trigger and tag stating the type and effect of the trap. These traps last for the whole event, so anyone setting them off at any point over the course of the event takes full effect of the trap.


Explosive Traps


These traps are built from jars of explosive liquid rigged to break open and explode when triggered. These traps need a phys rep, which must be a vial or bottle that is 1 cubic inch per 5 points of damage. These traps explode in a 1o foot radius when triggered, dealing full damage to all characters within that distance. After that, the trap is used up and is no longer of any use.


Alchemical Traps


These traps are clever devices that spray an alchemical gas globe in a 10 foot radius, effecting all characters within that range with the alchemical effect. These traps require a 1 cubic inch vial (film cannister) as well as one gas globe of the desired type. (And obviously a trigger.) The production point cost for these traps is triple the production cost of the alchemy used.





The smithing skill grants 5 production points per purchase. This allows the character to create armour and weapons, and to repair armour. It takes 1 minute to repair 5 points of armour. This can only be done with the appropriate tools (small hammer, small pry bar, and steel cutters).


When making any weapons or armour there is a monetary cost involved.  Any steel item(normal weapons and armour) that is made costs 1silver piece per 5 production points for the materials. The sale price of steel items is 1sp per 2pp. Wood items cost 1sp per 10pp to make, and sell for 1sp per pp.




When a player starts the game, they are given a certain amount of armour based upon the armour they are wearing in their costume. They can also find armour in game to protect them. Armour is not permanent, it wears away with use. When a suit of armour has been reduced to 0 points, it is said to have been Abreached@. When a suit is breached, it can still be repaired to offer some armour points. The breached suit loses 5 points permanently from its original total; these points can never be repaired or regained. Suits can be repaired, so that they regain their points, except for the 5 that are permanently lost if the suit is breached. To repair armour one must have the skill Asmithing@. One level is enough. A player can repair 5 points of armour in one minute. To do so requires the use of smithing tools; a small hammer and bar. In terms of armour production, it costs one production point to make one point of armour. So to make a 20 point suit of armour costs 20 production points.







Wearing Multiple Suits of Armour

Characters can wear multiple suits of armour simultaneously, but only so long as the armour point total of all of the suits combined is 20 points or less. In order to wear more than 20 points of armour, the character must be wearing only one suit. So if you have a 10 point suit and a 15 point suit, you can wear the 15 point suit, as well as 5 points of the 10 point suit for a total of 20 points. In this situation, you would still have 5 points of armour left over that you cannot wear.


Weapons List

Weapons           Damage                  Skill             Production Cost

Hand to Hand      1                 Basic Weapons                 -

Thrown Rock       1                 Basic Weapons                 -

Staff             2                 Basic Weapons                 1

Dagger            1                 Basic Weapons                 1

Club              1                 Basic Weapons                 1

Thrown Dagger     1                 Light Blades                  1

Stiletto          1 Body            Light Blades                  10

Short Sword       2                 Light Blades                  5

Long Sword        2                 Light Blades                  7

Bastard Sword     2/3               Heavy Blades                  9

Broadsword        3                 Heavy Blades                  9

Two Handed Sword  4                 Heavy Blades                  14

Mace              2                 Light Hafted                  6

Hammer            2                 Light Hafted                  6

Two Handed Mace   3                 Heavy Hafted                  12

Two Handed Hammer 4                 Heavy Hafted                  14   

Polearm           3                 Heavy Hafted                  12

Bow               3 Body            Archery                       20

Crossbow          4 Body            Archery                       25

Light Crossbow    2 Body            Archery                       16

Heavy Axe         3                 Heavy Blades, or Hafted       12

Axe               2                 Light Blades or Hafted        7

Heavy Hammer      3                 Heavy Hafted                  12

One Handed Spear  2                 Light Hafted                  6

Two Handed Spear  3                 Heavy Hafted                  12

Arrow/Bolt(5)     -                       -                       1

Tension Bow       4body(need +1 str)Archery                       40

Buckler           -                 Buckler                       5

Shield            -                 Shield                        10

Lock Picks                          Pick Locks                    10

Armour Repair Tools                 Smithing                      14

Alchemy Production Tools            Alchemy                       14

Tower Shield      -                 Tower Shield                  14

Alchemy Lab (doubles alchemy production points)                   150

Special Weapons

Mithril Weapons : These weapons cost 1.5 times as many production points to make, and the character must have access to that many production points of raw mithril. The monetary cost to make these weapons is seven times normal. The sale price is also seven times normal.  


Shatter Resistant Weapons : These come in three varieties; Resist Destroy x1, x2, or x3. The production cost is x2, x3, and x4 respectively. The monetary production cost is x7, x14 and x20 respectively. Sales costs are also x7, x14 and x20 respectively.


Master Craft : These weapons are created with such skill that they inflict one extra point of damage; that is, the base damage increases by one. They cost 8 times as many production points as normal. The monetary cost is 15 times normal, as is the sale price.


Note : Characters can make weapons that are mithril, shatter resistant and master-crafted. To figure out the production points necessary, simply add the multipliers, and then multiply. For example, I want to make a master crafted long sword that can resist 2 shatters. The multiplier for resist 2 shatters is x3, and the multiplier for master craft is x8. So the final multiplier is 11 (3+8). So the long sword costs me 77 production points to make.




General Alchemy Rules


Each time a character buys the skill Aalchemy@, be it basic, advanced or chemistry, they attain 4 production points. These points are then used to produce alchemy with the use of several tools (mortar and pestle, distillation tube, etc.). In order to produce alchemy, the character must have these items. There are certain items, and certain quality of items that allow the character to make alchemy more easily, but these must be found in game.

 When a character makes alchemy, there are 3 forms it can take; 3 methods of application. These are ingested; such as potions and elixers, gas globes; which are thrown vials (packet delivered attacks), and contact gels; which are smeared on the item they are affecting. Some alchemical recipes can only be made in one form, others can be made in several.




Contact Alchemy : must be applied with a 30 count.

Ingested Alchemy : must be swallowed.

Gas Globes : are packet delivered and must be accompanied with a declaration of the Alchemy Name, Damage and Type. Example; "8 Corrosion Gas Globe", "Sleep Gas Globe" or "Oil of Destruction Gas Globe".

When characters make alchemy, they must spend a certain amount of money to attain the correct ingredients for the recipe. This is done prior to play during logistics.

Cost to Make : 1 silver piece (sp) per 3 production points(pp).

Normal sale price : 1sp per 1 pp

So it cost 4 sp to make a sleep gas globe, which can be sold for 12 sp normally.


Alchemy Production Chart

Basic Alchemy           Production Cost               Type

Intoxicant                    2                       Ingested

Hallucinoid                   3                       Ingested

Cure Wounds                   2                       Ingested

Poison                        6                       Ingested

Strength                      8                       Ingested

Vorpal 4                      2                       Contact

Oil of Impact                 6                       Gas Globe

Liquid Light                  2                       Contact


Advanced Alchemy

Acid                          9-15                    Gas Globe

Weakness                      6                       Gas Globe

Major Strength                16                      Ingested

Vorpal (12)                   8                       Contact

Forget I                      30                      Ingested

Purify Blood                  6                       Ingested   

Oil of Destruction            10                      Gas Globe

Sleep                         12                      Gas Globe

Mortal Poison                 10                      Ingested

Corrosion                     9-15                    Gas Globe

Poison                        12                      Gas Globe

Poison                        18                      Contact



Alchemical Descriptions



This is essentially one very strong alcoholic drink. Drinking one will make the character drunk for 15 minutes. The character slurs their speech, loses co-ordination and takes on all the symptoms of intoxication that occur in real life.




This is basically the same as taking several tabs of LSD. The character feels very out of place, everything seems incredibly surreal and fantastic. Small things cause extreme fascination and disbelief. The character also sees things that aren=t there, and sees things that are there in different ways. This makes combat extremely difficult, as the character will attack the air, trees, or even his own allies. The effects last half an hour per use.


Cure Wounds


Heals 4 body points.




Poisons the imbiber. They suffer 1 body upon consumption, as well as an additional 1 body per minute until cured or killed. While poisoned, the target may not run. This alchemy is identical in effects to the spell Apoison blood@.




This increases the character=s strength by +1 for a duration of 5 minutes.


Vorpal 4


This is a paste that can be smeared upon any weapon=s striking surface. The next attack with that weapon inflicts +4 damage.


Oil of Impact


This is a gas globe which causes 10 points of physical damage to whatever it hits.


Liquid Light


This creates a glowing paste which can be smeared on any object to illuminate the area. Lasts for 12 hours. May not be used to blind targets. Phys rep can be a glow stick or a flashlight with tissue paper over the end.




This gas globe inflicts two point of body damage as well as two point of normal physical damage to the target per three points spent on the gas globe. So if the alchemist spends 15 production points on it, he creates a gas globe that inflicts 10 normal, as well as 10 body. The call for this would be A10 physical acid.@.




This gas globe inflicts the target with a -2 to their strength score.





Major Strength


This elixer grants the user +2 strength for a duration of 10 minutes. Effects are cumulative with other strength enhancers, but not this specific one.


Vorpal 12


This creates a paste that can be smeared upon a weapons striking surface, causing the weapons next attack to inflict +12 damage.


Forget 1


This potion causes the target to forget everything that happened within the last half hour. All events, dealings, acts, every occurrence. The alchemist can replace this memory with a ten word description of the last half hour. For example AWhile dealing with a merchant, we were ambushed by orcs.@ This description is usually fairly vague, and this may lead to people realizing something is not quite right.


Purify Blood


This removes all poisons and toxins from the targets system. It will not heal any damage, but will cancel the effects of any alchemy such as weakness, poison and so forth.


Oil of Destruction


This gas globe is identical to Aoil of impact@, except that it inflicts 20 damage.




Puts the target to sleep for 10 minutes. They cannot be shaken awake, although a purify blood will awaken them.




This creates a gas globe that permanently destroys 2 points of armour for every three production points the alchemist spends on the gas globe.


Mortal Poison


This alchemy is identical to minor poison, except that under the influence of this alchemy, the target cannot use any skills.




This is an extremely advanced form of alchemy. Chemists are rumored to have discovered the secret of turning lead into gold, and of having created plagues that nearly wiped out the entire Free World.












Pantheon of Gods


There are three Alignments that the Gods fall into, those being Good, Neutral and Evil.




Kayleth (Male): God of Justice, Mercy and Righteous Warfare


Allowed Schools: Order, Healing, Protection, Alteration, Confining and Augmentation

Weapons Allowed: All.

Blessing: Order Blade: swing for 1 Order(body) for every 10 Faith Points + Weapon Skill Bonus (minimum damage is base weapon damage). 1/day, lasts 1 combat.


Kayleth(and his priests) are noble, just, honest and loyal. He stands up for what is right, and is willing to fight for it if necessary. He does not seek combat, but realises that in order to establish Good as the predominant world power, there will have to be war. He believes in forgiveness and mercy, but he will not hesitate to smash those who will not abandon their evil ways. He will give his life for his cause, and will stand up to overwhelming odds if it is in the name of justice.




Gyellina (Female): God of Peace, Earth and Protection      


Allowed Schools : Order, Healing, Protection, Alteration, Confining and Enchantment

Weapons allowed : Basic, Light Hafted, Archery

Blessing: Bestow Threshold : Threshold is equal to 1/10 of total Faith Points. 1/day, lasts 10 minutes.


      Gyellina (and her priestesses) are honest, down to earth people who protect the weak and try to stop conflict. They would rather find a peaceful solution that doesn=t satisfy everyone than fight for the perfect solution. If one party has to settle for the lesser share, then its worth it as long as there is peace. They try to seek stability in all things, and go out of their way to protect the weak.




Mellina (Female) : God of Healing, Life and Growth


Allowed Schools : Order, Healing, Protection, Alteration, Enchantment and Augmentation

Weapons Allowed : Basic, Light Hafted

Blessing: Aid: Adds 1 Body for every 2 Faith Points. May exceed maximum body total. 1/day, last until destroyed.


Mellina (and her priestesses) are vivacious, open minded people who are interested in curing the wounds of the world. They want to spread life and growth, and they do so by healing and helping those who need it. They hate sickness and disease, and as such many of them work in churches healing those who are brought to them.








Mishra (Male): God of Magic, Knowledge and Wisdom


Allowed Schools : Order, Healing, Protection, Alteration, Elemental, Confining and Enchantment

Weapons Allowed : Basic, Light Hafted, light blades, archery

Blessing: Higher Knowledge: Grants ability to cast one spell a level above character=s casting ability in that school. Casting takes no faith points. 1/day, 1 casting.


Mishra (and his priests) are very intelligent, enlightened people. They are among the great learners of the world, many of them run libraries and antiquity outlets. They seek to store knowledge, and are more interested in this than in any worldly affairs. They hold themselves above the concerns of the world, and regard themselves as the keepers of knoeledge and ancient secrets.


Dilonysus (Male): God of Music, Wine and Pleasure


Allowed Schools : Order, Healing, Protection, Alteration, Confining and Enchantment                              

Weapons Allowed : Basic, Light Hafted, light blades, archery

Blessing: Gods Voice; -1 casting cost for Enchantment Spells, (min cost of 1). Permanent.


Dilonysus (and his priests) are happy, carefree people. They care less about responsibilities than about having a good time. Many religious ceremonies end in drunken orgies, or hazy nights involving mind altering substances and sensuous pleasures. They were the precursor to the cliche Asex, drugs and rock=n=roll@.


Rathelle (Female) : God of Nature, Conflict and Evolution


Allowed Schools : Order, Chaos, Protection, Elemental, Enchantment and Augmentation            

Weapons Allowed : All.

Blessing: Forestwalk. 1/day.


Rathelle (and her priestesses)are among the few who are truly open to any experience, be it pleasant or painful. They are at one with nature, and as such understand that death, sickness and decay are a part of life. They aren=t afraid to cut away the weak so there is more food for the strong, for they see life as a great struggle to prove one=s strength. Conflict shows who the strong are, and evolution demands that the weak become food for their betters.



Sirethe (Female) : God of Treachery, Deceit and Betrayal


Allowed Schools : Necromancy, Chaos, Protection, Alteration, Enchantment and Confining                     

Weapons Allowed : Basic, Light Blades, Light hafted, archery

Blessing: Invisibility 1/day.


Sirethe (and her priestesses) are devious, subtle and conniving. They prefer  trickery and subterfuge to open violence or confrontations. They often befriend their enemies to keep them close at hand, under surveillance and within easy reach. They excel at lying and politics, for they are often very charismatic.



Kagent (Male) : God of War, Destruction and Chaos


Allowed Schools : Necromancy, Chaos, Protection, Elemental, Confining and Augmentation         

Weapons Allowed : All.

Blessing: Chaos Blade: swing for 1 Chaos for every 10 Faith Points + Weapon Skill Bonus. (min damage is weapons base damage.) 1/day, last 1 fight.


Kagent (and his priests) are wild, angry beings who thrive on pillaging, razing and annihilating all things. They seek never-ending battle and are extremely war like. They want nothing but to smash all things to dust, to bring down anything which represents order, peace or well-being. They cannot be reasoned with, they are driven by their most basic desires; to kill and destroy.


Necros (Male) : God of Death, Night and Necromancy


Allowed Schools : Necromancy, Chaos, Protection, Confining, Healing  and Enchantment                 

Weapons Allowed : All.

Blessing:  Zombies created by Raise Dead add +1 Strength and +10 Body for every 20 Faith Points. Permanent.


Necros (and his priests) live in a reality permeated by darkness, death and the underworld.  Communication with the dead, and indeed the living dead are commonplace for them. They separate themselves from the living world, relying upon their undead servants to carry out their bidding.



Magic System


Before a mage is able to purchase any spells, he must first purchase the prerequisites to the spell level he desires to buy. There are four spell levels; petty being the lowest, basic, advanced and greater, which is the highest.

In order to buy one petty magic spell, the mage must first buy the skills read/write, and read magic. This allows him to start buying petty magic spells. In order to buy spells of a level above petty, the mage must build his

spell slots in a pyramid fashion. That is, in order to buy one basic spell, the spell level directly above petty, he needs to already have two petty magic spells. In order to buy one advanced spell, he must already have two basic spells and three petty spells.


Also, each level has its own prerequisite the mage must buy before he can start to learn spells of that level. Before a mage can buy basic spells, he must buy the skill Asense magic@, before a mage can buy advanced magic spells, he must first buy Ascribe@, and before he buys any greater spells he must buy the skill Aidentify@.


There are six schools of magic; protection, alteration, elemental, charm, augmentation, and confining. Each school has four spells in it; one per level. If a mage wants to buy a basic or advanced spell, he must first possess all spells of that school that are of a level below the level of the desired spell. Thus, in order to cast bind, the basic level spell of the school confining, a mage must first have the spell pin, the petty spell of the confining school,  as well as one other petty magic spell that will fill his pyramid. In order to cast confine, the greater confining spell, a mage must know pin, bind, and web, as well as a total of two advanced spells, three basic spells and four petty spells.



So, lets make a mage who will buy some spells. My character has 25 points to spend on skills. He buys all magic. So, in order to cast any spells, I need read/write and read magic. That allows me to start buying petty magi spells. The spell I really want is fear; a basic level charm spell. In order to buy fear, there are some other spells I need first. I need two petty spells, one of which has to be disarm, the petty spell of the charm school. So I buy pin and disarm as my two petty spells. Now, in order to start buying basic spells I must buy the skill sense magic. I buy the skill, and am now able to buy the spell fear.


In order for a mage to cast spells, he needs spell points, or SP=s. Every time a mage purchases spells, he gains a certain number of sp=s. Mages get 1 SP per build spent on the  spell. So when he buys a petty magic spell, he gains 2 sp=s. When he buys a basic spell, he gains 6 sp=s, when he buys an advanced spell he gets 10 sp=s, and when he buys a greater spell he gains 14 sp=s. So if a mage has 3 petty magic spells, two basic magic spells, and 1 advanced magic spell, he has 28 spell points. [(3 petty magic spells x 2 sp=s each) + (2 basic spells x 6 sp=s each) + (1 advanced spell x 10 sp=s each)]. Every time a mage casts a spell, he uses up spell points. To cast a spell, the mage must utter a certain incant, dependent on the spell, and use up half as many spell points as the spell cost in experience points. So petty magic spells cost 1 sp to cast, basic magic spells cost 3 sp=s to cast, advanced magic spells cost 5 sp=s to cast, and greater magic spells cost 7 sp=s to cast. The mage can cast any spells that he knows until he runs out of spell points. A mages spell point total can never go below zero.


Priests advance in just the same pyramid manner as mages do, but their prerequisite skills are different. In order to cast any priest spells at all, you need read/write, bandage, and medical arts. The four levels of priest spells are, from lowest to highest:  novice, intermediate, high, and sacramental. In order to buy any intermediate spells, you must buy Acreate potion@. Before you can buy any high faith spells, you must buy the skill Ablessing@. And before you can buy sacramental spells, you need to buy the skill Aprayer@. Mages gain spell points, clerics gain faith points, or FP=s. They are gained in the same manner, the same amount per spell and are used in exactly the same manner.


Spell Books and Holy Symbols


Mages in Shadow Realms require no spell books or grimoires. When a mage learns a spell,(i.e. buys the skill) he has learned the art to a level necessary to cast that spell. He can cast that spell as many times per day as he likes, as long as he has adequate spell points. He now knows the spell inside and out; he has truly mastered it, in such a sense that he never has to memorize it or copy it to and from spell books.


A Holy Symbol is a physical symbol of the priest=s faith, and represents his link with his God. This symbol stores the priests faith points and must be touched during casting. Holy Symbols are detected as magical items, and are immune to any form of destruction, be it magical or physical. If a priest loses his Holy Symbol, he loses all his faith points for that day and cannot cast until he gets the Symbol back and rests for a day. One day of prayer will create another Holy Symbol, however this will also cause the destruction of the prior symbol. Performing this feat uses up half of the priests faith points for that day. So if I lose my Holy Symbol on Saturday, I lose all spell points that day. On Sunday I can create a new Symbol, but I=ll only have half of Sunday=s faith points to use on spells.









Spell List




Spell Schools     Petty       Basic            Advanced           Greater

Alteration        Light       Invisibility      Dispel Magic     Gaseous Form

Augmentation   Ogre Strike    Giants Strength   Mithril Might     Ench. Blade

Confining         Pin         Bind              Web               Confine

Elemental     Lightning Bolt  Ice Bolt          Fireball          Earthquake

Enchantment       Disarm      Fear              Sleep             Charm

Protection      Magic Armor   Shield Magic      Ad. Magic Armor   Reflect


Priest Spheres    Novice      Intermediate      High              Sacremental

Chaos          Cause Wounds   Poison Blood      Wither Limb       Berserk

Healing         Cure Wounds   Purge Being       Restore           Life

Necromancy        Chill       Raise Dead        Desecrate         Death

Order             Repel       Purify            Imprison          Sanctuary




Spell Descriptions



Alteration: I transmute this to_________ .



Effect: Causes an inanimate object to shine. A flashlight or glow stick may be used as the light source. If a flashlight is used, it must remain pointed directly at the ground, never up towards people or in any direction other than straight down. The light may be extinguished and re-lit throughout the spell's duration. If cast at a living target, target is blinded for 10 seconds. If target is a subterranean (i.e. Drow) creature the duration extends to 60 seconds

Duration: 12 hours.




Effect: Target is rendered invisible until target uses an active skill(attacks in any way), speaks or draws attention to themselves. This means that the target cannot talk to anyone, attack in any way or perform any other active skill without breaking the spell. The target may drink potions, cast protection, healing or augmentation spells ON THEMSELF, walk around or perform any passive action that doesn=t draw attention to themselves. If the invisible person causes a loud noise, attacks someone or performs any other active motion, the spell is dispelled.

Duration: 10 minutes.


Dispel Magic

Effect: Has two possible effects. 1)If used in combat, it removes all spell effects with duration other than instantaneous that exist on the target. i.e. Dispels any augmentation, protection, alteration spells on the target.

2) If cast on a friendly party, this spell can counter any charm, confining, necromancy, order, or chaos spells that are affecting the target.

Regardless of the effect used by the spell, it can be stopped by a shield magic or a channel spell.

Duration: Instantaneous




Gaseous Form

Effect: Caster is effectively Astral. They leave the physical realm and enter a non-physical dimension that overlaps and permeates this dimension. They may pass through physical objects and reappear anywhere during the spell's duration. They remain visible, but are intangible. They can only be hit by magical weapons for the duration, but may not attack, use items, or physically interact with their surroundings while the spell is in effect. They cannot cast except on themself. The target decides when to end the spell, so a mage could cast the spell, then cast protective spells on himself, enter a locked cabin, and then re-enter the physical realm.

Duration: 10 minutes.


Augmentation: I Augment you with (a(n)) _______


(Note that no augmentation spells are cumulative with each other.)


Ogre Strike

Effect: Target receives +4 strength for one action or strike.

Duration: Delayed, 1 hit or action.


Giants Strength

Effect: Target receives +1 strength and +10 body for 1 fight. This body cannot be healed, and it lasts until it is destroyed. This skill can be activated at the target=s will, it does not come into effect immediately upon casting.

Duration: Delayed, 1 fight.


Mithril Might

Effect: Target gains +2 strength and +20 body for the duration of the battle. In addition to this, any weapon the use during that time swings for mithril. Note if the target already has a magical weapon, they have the option of swinging for magic or mithril. This skill can be activated at the target=s will, it does not come into effect immediately upon casting.

Duration: Delayed, 1 fight.


Enchanted Blade

Effect: Target gains +6 strength for one battle, and their weapon swings for magic. This skill can be activated at the target=s will, it does not come into effect immediately upon casting.

Duration: Delayed, 1 fight.


Confining: I Restrain you with a __________


Effect: Target=s right leg is fasted to the ground. May rip out with +1 strength and suffer 1 body of damage in a three count.

Duration: Line of Sight




Effect: Target=s arms are immobile. Elbow must touch sides and fists remain closed. May rip out with a +3 Strength and suffer 3 body of damage in a 3 count.

Duration: Line of Sight



Effect: Target is immobilized in webbing from the neck down. Speech is permitted. May rip out with +5 Strength and suffer 5 body points of damage in a 3 count.

Duration: Line of Sight





Effect: Target is rendered completely immobile. No movement at all is permitted, though others may move target. Nothing can rip free of a confine.

Duration: Line of Sight


Elemental: I unleash an Elemental __________ .


Lightning Bolt

Effect: 5 elemental lightning

Duration: Instant


Ice Bolt

Effect: 20 Elemental Ice

Duration: Instant



Effect: 40 Elemental Fire

Duration: Instant



Effect: 70 Elemental Earth

Duration: Instant


Charming: I cloud you mind with  ___________ .


Effect: Forces the target to drop all hand held items and ignore them for a duration of 10 seconds. Can be used to make a fighter drop a weapon, a mage drop a scroll, or a rogue drop an alchemical gas globe for example.

Duration: 10 count



Effect: Target must flee caster until the caster is out of the target=s line of sight. After this time, the target cannot attack the caster, and must remain at least 10 feet from the caster for 10 minutes and react in a fear filled manner towards him.

Duration: Ten minutes.



Effect: Any living target is rendered unconscious. Cannot be physically shaken awake. Caster can end spell at will.

Duration: 10 minutes



Effect: The target will obey the caster to the death. Any and all commands given to the target by the caster will be exactly followed to the best of the targets ability. The target can still perform any action not countermanding the orders given by the caster.

Duration: 10 minutes




Protection: I Protect you with a ___________

Note that a player may only wear one of each protection spell at a time.


Magic Armor

Effect: Will stop the next physical attack, including alchemy, traps, weapons, and any attack beginning with the prefix "physical".

Duration: 2 days, or until used.




Shield Magic

Effect: Will stop the next magical attack, including spells, spell-strikes, or any attack with the prefix "innate".

Duration: 2 days, or until used.


Advanced Magic Armour

Effect: Operates the same as magic armour, but is activated on an attack of the wearer's choice rather than the next physical attack. The call for this is "advanced magic armour".

Duration: Delayed, one use.



Effect: Will reflect any one spell or magical attack of the target=s choice back at the caster. This causes the attacker=s spell to actually hit the attacker without needing to throw a packet.

Duration: Delayed, one use.


Chaos:  With the Power of <Chosen Deity> I _______(your)________


Cause Wounds

Effect: Inflicts 4 body points of damage. Heals undead 4 body.

Duration: Instant


Poison Blood

Effect: Curses the target with a poison which inflicts 1 point of damage every minute, including 1 at time of casting.  Target may not run , but can still use all of their skills.

Duration: 2 days


Wither Limb

Effect: Target=s specified limb is withered and unusable until restored, and the target suffers damage equal to half their total body.

Duration: Permanent



Effect: Target receives double body and +4 Strength. They will attack the closest target until the spell expires, or the target dies at which time the target will move on to the next target. Target will not attack the caster.

After the spell ends, the target is reduced to 0 body.

Duration: Until target is unconscious or 10 minutes.


Healing: With the Power of <Chosen Deity> I _______(your)________


Cure Wounds

Effect: 4 body is healed. Inflicts 4 body to undead.

Duration: Instant


Purify Blood

Effect: Cleanses target of all poisons and malignant potions.

Duration: Permanent



Effect: Heals everything except for death.

Duration: Permanent



Effect: Heals everything including death.

Duration: Permanent


Necromancy: With the Power of <Chosen Deity> I _______(your)________


Effect: Inflicts -2 Strength. Non-cumulative.

Duration: 5 minute


Raise Zombie

Effect: When cast upon a corpse(i.e. a body in its 5 minute death count), the corpse rises as a mindless zombie and obeys simple and direct commands from the caster. Raised Zombies have 20 body and swing for base weapon damage plus a Strength Bonus of 1. Zombies remember nothing of their past life. This spell can only be cast on a dead body that is in its Adeath count@.

Duration: 10 minutes or until slain.



Effect: Creates an aura of evil around the caster which stops any living being from coming within 10 feet of the caster. At the time of casting all undead within the radius heal half their total body points.

Duration: Concentration



Effect: Drops any creature into their death count.

Duration: Permanent


Order: With the Power of <Chosen Deity> I _______you


Effect: Target must remain 10 feet from caster's raised hand.

Duration: Concentration



Effect: Inflicts 12 points of body damage.

Duration: Instantaneous



Effect: Creates an impenetrable energy field which surrounds the target and all of his held/worn items. This energy field deflects all forms of attack, all spells and all effects of any kind, except for the spell Adispel magic@. This means that the target cannot be affected by any means save formal magic or the spell Adispel magic@ while in the imprison. The force field holds the target immobile for the spell=s duration, and although they can still see and hear what is going on outside the imprison, they are powerless to affect anything or to be affected by anything.  Any active spells on the target are paused, so if the target was poisoned when they were imprisoned, they take no further damage from the poison until the imprison spell ends. Any effects working on the target are still present after the casting of the imprison, but they don=t have any effect during the imprison.

Duration: Caster=s will or 1 hour.



Effect: The caster must lay a rope or some other physical object in an unbroken circle on the ground, prior to casting, which is 10 feet in diameter or less. At the time of casting an energy field is erected, with the rope indicating where the walls of the field are. This force field may not be moved. Nothing may pass through the force field except for beings who are permitted by the caster. To do this the caster must say AI grant sanctuary to (the person=s name).@ This means that no spells or any forms of attack can pass through the force field, nor can any individual, even astral, gaseous or other dimensional beings. The only thing or person that can pass is one who is granted sanctuary by the caster. Note that a dispel magic will dispel this force field.

Duration: 12 hours.



Miscellaneous Rules





The most important rule in the game is the AHold@ rule. If you hear someone say AHold.@, it essentially means APause Game@. So stop whatever you are doing, stay where you are and wait for the call A3 - 2 - 1 - Lay on.@ to restart the game. This Ahold@ rule is used when people get hurt, so it is very important that you don=t use the word AHold@ unless you need the game to stop for a moment. This pause rule is also used if someone doesn=t understand what attack they=ve been hit with, if there is a rule misunderstanding or a rule dispute. You cannot call a Ahold@ to repair armour, ask in-game questions or to do anything in-game. After a hold is over, everyone must go back to where they were when the Ahold@ was called before the game can be restarted. Use a Ahold@ if you get hurt, are about to get hurt, or if you don=t understand the rules at a particular moment. To end the Ahold@, that is, to restart the game, a plot marshall or the person who called the Ahold@ must state loudly A3 - 2 - 1 - Lay on!@ to restart the game.





Meta-gaming is using information that you the player has as knowledge that your character has. For example, Mark is playing a human mage, Ceryk. Mark overheard the NPC=s talking about sending in lots of undead at dusk. If Ceryk, Mark=s character, goes around warning people about an upcoming undead assault, then Mark has meta-gamed. He used knowledge that he has as a player as if it were knowledge that his character had. Another example is if mark is hanging out in-game (as Ceryk) near his campfire when he sees an NPC approach. The NPC is wearing a white headband, indicating that they are out-of-game (not there to Ceryk). If Mark (or Ceryk) keeps track of the NPC and remains weary of them, where they are going and so forth, then he is meta-gaming. If the NPC were playing an invisible attacker who suddenly became visible and attacked Ceryk, there would be no element of surprise, because Mark was watching the NPC that Ceryk wasn=t aware of. Meta-gaming is considered a serious offense and will be dealt with.





This is not so much a rule as an expression you=ll hear a lot while playing. If someone sais they are out-of-game, that means that they are there as people, but not as any NPC or PC. If someone is out-of-game, they are to be considered not playing. These people must tell you that they are out of game, and will indicate this either by placing their weapon on their head, by wearing a white head-band, or by saying that they are out-of-game.



Plot Member, Marshall


These terms apply to those people who write the script for the events. These people are impartial judges who can be consulted about the rules, any disputes, character histories, pretty much anything about the game. The primary plot member at the moment is Matthew Kraus, who can be e-mailed at if you have any questions, comments  or concerns.







Combat Rules


When a character enters into combat, there are several things he should keep in mind. He has to keep his armour points and body points in mind, as well as any spell protections he may have active on him. When a character is successfully attacked(hit) by a physical attack such as a weapon strike, the character will lose points from his armour first, and then from his body points. Let=s look at an example. I have 5 body points and 15 armour points. I am attacked by an orc swinging for A6 normal.@ In a spurt of combat, I am struck three times by the orc, who then flees from my formidable assault. I take 18 points of damage total. First, I take points off my armour. I only have 15 points of armour, so I lose all of them. There are still 3 points of damage left, which I lose from my body points. I have a total of 5 body points, and after losing 3 of them I am left with 2 body, and no armour points. I can be healed to regain the 3 body points I lost, and I can repair my armour. However, it has been breached (see Aarmour@, in the General Skills section). Now the suit is worth 10 points, but I can only use those points if I repair the suit.

When in combat, a character will be assaulted by a variety of attacks.

There are physical attacks, magical or innate attacks, and toxic or alchemical attacks.

 Examples of physical attacks include : any weapon delivered attack, any alchemical gas globe attack, any attack starting with the word Aphysical@, any damage taken from any sort of trap. All physical attacks are stopped by the magic armour spell, the advanced magic armour spell, the dodge skill, or the parry skill.

Examples of alchemical or toxic attacks include : any ingested alchemy, any attack ending with Apoison@. These attacks can be stopped by the resist toxin racial skill only. If a character is hit by a weapon swinging for A3 poison@, they can resist only the poison aspect of the attack with the skill resist toxin, they still take A3 normal@. If this attack is delivered through any other method than ingestion, it can be stopped by the dodge skill.

Examples of magical or innate attacks are : any spell, any attack starting with the word Ainnate@. These attacks can be stopped by the dodge skill, a shield magic spell, or a channel spell.


Weapon Attacks


When being attacked by weapons, players will hear a variety of damage calls. The basic types of weapon damage are : normal, mithril, and magic. ie. A5 normal.@ etc. These attacks all go to armour first and then body points. There are several other forms of weapon attack, all taking the form Anumber form of attack.@.

Body : anyone hit by such an attack (A4 body.@) would take damage straight to body points, this attack does not effect armour at all.

Poison, paralyse, wither limb, corrosion : These attacks effect armour first. However, once they break through a suit of armour and affect body points, they become much more dangerous. Then they effect the player with a certain form of alternate attack. For example, I have 5 body and 5 armour. I am struck for A6 poison.@ . So this attack has breached my armour and affected

my body points; I have taken body damage from this attack. Now, as well as taking 6 damage, I am struck by the attack Apoison@, which is the same as the spell Apoison@. This means that I cannot run or use any skills, and I suffer 1 body per minute until the poison is healed. If I was struck by A6 paralyse@ I would become paralysed. ( Unable to move for 10 min.)







Boffer Weapons


Weapons           Max Length        Min. Length         Min Width(Blade/Head)


Hand to Hand            12"               6"                -          

Thrown Rock             Spell Packet

Staff                   78"               54"               -

Dagger                  24"               12"               -

Club                    44"               24"               -

Thrown Dagger           12"               4"                -

Stiletto                12"               6"                -

Short Sword             34"               24"               -

Long Sword              44"               34"               -

Bastard Sword           52"               44"               -

Broadsword              44"               34"               4"

Two Handed Sword        66"               52"               4"

Mace                    44"               24"               6"

Hammer                  44"               24"               6"

Two Handed Mace         78"               50"               12"

Two Handed Hammer       78"               50"               12"

Polearm                 78"               50"               6"

Bow                     Any size, max. pull is 30 lbs.

Crossbow                Any non-hand crossbow, max pull is 30 lbs.

Light Crossbow          Any hand crossbow, max pull is 30 lbs.

Heavy Axe               54"               40"               8"

Axe                     44"               24"               6"

Heavy Hammer            54"               40"               8"

One Handed Spear        52"               48"               -

Two Handed Spear        78"               52"               -

Arrow/Bolt(5)           36"               4"                -




Counted Actions


In Shadow Realms, characters can perform many actions that the player may not be able to do. For example, a character may want to kick down a door that the player cannot, or does not want, to kick down in real life. To simulate this action, the player uses a counted action. They would state loudly and clearly AI kick the door down 1, I kick the door down 2, I kick the door down 3!@ . The in game effect of this is that the door becomes kicked in. Many actions can be performed this way, such as tearing from confining spells, lifting someone or something heavy, picking a lock, or virtually anything else that cannot be done in real life or is too awkward in real life to actually do. Most counts are a 3 count, while others can be a minute or longer.



Killing Blow


This is a specific type of counted action. This can only be done to a character that is helpless and unable to resist. The count is AKilling blow 1, killing blow 2, ... killing blow5!@. This 5 count can only be done with a

weapon that the character is proficient in. This count represents the attacking character killing the helpless character, stabbing them in the heart, or hacking their body to pieces, slitting their throat or some such. The in-game effect of this is that the player struck by the count is sent directly into their death count, so that the only healing that will save them is the ALife@ spell. Most NPC= won=t use this because it is so powerful, although some very evil or powerful NPC= will.




Body Contact


The body contact rule at Shadow Realms is very simple. THERE IS  NO BODY CONTACT!! This means you cannot grab someone you are fighting, you cannot tackle someone, body-check, push, shove, or in any way have physical contact with someone in a combative manner, this includes grabbing weapons and hand-held items. Obviously, you can still hand shake and have friendly body contact with people, just no sort of physical attack.




Charging is not allowed in Shadow Realms. Charging is defined as running at an opponent and putting them in a situation where they are forced to either dodge the runner or be run down. This is body contact and is therefor illegal.


Fire Building


Players are allowed to build fire pits and to have camp fires, as long as there is a pit dug into the ground at least 6 inches and a plot member is told.


Buildings and Construction


Often times players want to have their own cabin or building. We do not as yet have enough structures to allow each player to have one, but we do allow construction on the property. If you want to add a building to the property, or if you wish to build anything, talk to me, the head of plot; Matthew Kraus and we=ll work something out.



At the start and end of every game we do logistics. Log-in occurs before the start of every game. During this time, all players receive character sheets, as well as any tags that their characters will need to represent in-game items and money. Players can spend the build that they earned at the previous event at this time.

Log-out occurs at the end of the event. The player gives back all of their money and tags, as well as their character sheet to the plot members, who hold these items for them until the next event.

During weekend events, there is another log-in period on Saturday afternoon. In-game this represents the players memorising their spells to regain spell points, and practising their weapon skills to regain skill strikes. At this time, all times per day skills are regained, as are all spell points and faith points, all production points for alchemy, traps and so forth.

























Wings creak on biting wind

as fire flies in ancient skies

repentent see they=ve sinned

as dragons fly and man dies.




Forged from steel, iron cage

spinning wheel, pensive sage

cutting edge and lovers grip

from life=s blood I will sip.


AAll drow were born with the same birth defect. They weren=t born with a sword in their backs.@ - Halizar the Bloodeless, Elven assassin.


AAn orb of power is a powerful tool. We must not let this fall into the wrong hands.@ - Selythscor, Acolyte to the dark priest of Necros.