The Philosopher's Stone Tarot

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Simon's Exegesis:
Hebrew Letter:
Aleph Chet
     Letter Value:
     Letter Meaning:
Air Cancer
East Below
D Sharp
Sepher Yetzirah
Intelligence of the House of Influence
Receptive Will, Speech
Color Attributes
King Scale:
Orange Yellow
Queen Scale:
Emperor Scale:
Rich Bright Russet
Empress Scale:
Deep Greenish Brown
Lovers Home Next Strength


The Fool's Journey
by Ned Hogan, Jr.

Blasting the doors clean off the hinges of my imagination and hurling them
a hundred yards into the delicate garden surrounding the temple, she smiled.
Silence like the sounds of an enourmous water fall in my ears began as she
came forth and out into the neon night and reached for my hand to take me
to her chariiot. Shadows turned back and lied. Such beautiful lies, such
Chinese script with delicious sounds, just so these fantastic tales could
live. And the beach was dust from shell fish still holding on to the faint
faint moon light that does indeed reach the deepest bottom of the sea. And
just before our finger tips touched she sighed as she felt me struggle
against the ideas I had about myself, about anything actually. She
stripped me of my armour as i watched her gather the reins and light as a humming
bird's feather she had me now, caught in her breath. I could feel my struggling still as we all seemed to fall upwards and my naked skin
gathered her light. Losing all resistance as i accepted her charge, I floated, it
seemed, and I began to see everything all around me at once and was almost
terrified but mostly reassured when I could not find a trace of myself and
I cannot describe how completely I trusted her because words cannot go that
far. And I who loved the great laguages more than myself! I who dared the universe to challenge my now seemingly feeble songs, I who would swear
that musics were my wings. I could not say a thing. And we travelled farther
than I could know, then, and her steeds knew me, it seemed, I was so ready to
believe. So completely ready that they needed no urging and fairly flew, flew. The music was in their movement. The beautiful strings of magic
steel running from the bottom of their hooves straight to their hearts. Their
huge and sacrificial hearts, willing, longing, to die for me, to show me how
easy it was. But still and even though, I hung on. It must have been the reflex
of the shell fish lizard that still sheathed my heart. And yes, i was
still proud to be in her notice. Still amazed that I was there, here, at all.
And i watched like a hungry ghost searching for what it was that had put flesh
around me to begin with. And we climbed like living smoke and swirled in a
running, charging, rythm that fractured itself at each turn that had to be
chosen at just that unique and special time, chosen, new(er) vector(s),
and so easily and so soon and somehow I knew that the direction, the moving distances' were the sum of them all we had had. That we had had to chose
toreach the surface and face the moon. I was mistaken, of course, but it was
all part of the plan that she had made before time had begun. Yes, she was
the one who had gotten up and stood straqight and true, only because that
was what she does after all was done. And then she sung it all into
existence. Again. And I, who had spent all time and more on broken verse
to try and disperse the nonsense surrounding me like angry surf trying to
painta church to end or begin the futile search for what could not be found bylooking, anywhere else, at all. It was as if the moon were a magnet for
thought and suddenly my mind was empty of anything but her. And it
mattered not that I understood nothing. I danced because i could not sing and
something, probably her, made sure, sure, that I did not look down. Yet.

by cck

A conveyance and means to your goals. Assistance in endeavors. You are in the drivers seat. A journey is indicated.

Impediment to endeavors is impending. Loss of coordination and focus. A journey is ill advised.

by Arrow

The lesson behind this Trump is of great importance to the journey, yet it's true nature seems to very often be overlooked. I believe that this stems from a need to personalize our world, to see our own reflection in it, as is our nature. We quite simply want to humanize the world around us due to our need to materialize our inner experience. But,The Charioteer is not the name of this Trump, in spite of our desire to humanize it, and it serves us well to direct our attention towards the actual name, The Chariot, in order to better understand this Archetype's nature.
The charioteer is indeed at the reins of the chariot, so to speak, but even though the charioteer is a part of the chariot, the charioteer is not the actual chariot, the machine. The Chariot itself is at the gist of this Trump's lesson, the machine, a war machine. But, what is the nature of this war into which the charioteer drives?
I have a young friend who once told me that this card eluded him, and he wanted to know if I would elaborate over it's meaning. I simply handed him a copy of the Bhagavad-Gita, and said,"Start here." That epic poem is a good elucidation of the Trump's clomplexities from which to gain at least some understanding. Yet it must be persued with an open eye and clear mind to render forth it's illumination, for the Chariot, esoterically, is in essence the sum of the Bhagavad-Gita. It is the reader's task to drive the vehicle forward towards understanding.
The war in which the charioteer enters in upon is in it's totality the very machine itself. It is the great and dynamic forces of the Cosmos in their dance of oppositions and gatherings that propel it forward. It is the charioteer's task to bring these forces into equilibrium, for the only just and noble goal of any war is Peace.

All of the other Cosmological forces of the Major Arcana are to be found here in The Chariot, they create the tensions and harmonies that comprise it. If we look towards the Temperence card we see those tensions and harmonies in action being carried out under the auspices of higher authority. The charioteer must harness these factors and bring them to a state of balance in order to maintain control of the vehicle. This is achieved through the proper conduct of will.

The Chariot confronts a beginning of the descent into the world, and the conflicts that rise from duality. The charioteer's mission to bring order to opposing forces in this world by achieving a balance between them forges a self-tempering. Just as a sword is brought to strength through it's creator's use of fire and water, so is the charioteer made stronger through achievement of a successful campaign.
The charioteer is in fact the alchemist seeking mastery of the self in order to realize the goal of the Great Work.
My friend, we are each of us a charioteer, and the battlefield is within ourselves. Let us both remember that the only just and truly noble goal of the war at hand is true peace. From that end Joy will be birthed

Any Comments?