The Philosopher's Stone Tarot

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Simon's Exegesis:
Crystal Consciousness
Hebrew Letter:
Aleph Vav
     Letter Value:
     Letter Meaning:
Air Taurus
C Sharp
Sepher Yetzirah
Triumphant and Eternal Intelligence
Intuition, Hearing
Color Attributes
King Scale:
Red Orange
Queen Scale:
Deep Indigo
Emperor Scale:
Deep Warm Olive
Empress Scale:
Warm Brown
Emperor Home Next Lovers


The Fool's Journey
by Ned Hogan, Jr.

Do you see the hand slip
off the wheel
the capitan going under
under unawares.

a lo(a)n e
with luck's
singing such a brutally beautiful melody
dodging circumstances projectEd[it](ing)
that even what never occurs holds true
in some places

old and cold shower for the brain
before outer space springs a leak in the main
hurtleing through time now full of the totally-for-free pain
a little gentler now because some understanding remained
[they thought they would escape
because of the dream that they make]
to keep us all from going insane

by cck

To seek harmony between planes of existence. To reconcile the soul with the temporal being. Moral and ethical influence in endeavors.

You are being deceived, or you are the deceiver. Evil has a hand in endeavors.

by Arrow

'Tat Tvam Asi'

From the sanskrit, meaning:

"Thou Art That"

A maha vakya, or 'great saying',
that indicates the principle of Brahman.


Throughout the early alchemical treatises the masters of that art emphasized that the work must first be approached with devotion to the Divine. This was not due to any 'religous' zeal on their part but, for the reason that the stone can only be wrought in unison with the supreme Creator. Then, as now, that is the only way. The alchemists sought union with the Divine that they may become true co-creators. In turn that served to elevate Nature to it's true glory.

But, the stone was not by any means acheived through a connection with a worldly church, nor by any pleas cast towards a distant, majestic throne. The stone was acheived through unity with the Divine Conciousness. And, that Conciousness was not just deemed to be the perception and judgements of a diety that sat on laurels, removed from Creation but, was seen as the Divine eye and mind throughout all of Nature, at it's heart, at it's core.
The alchemist's devotion was towards that which they sensed permeates the here and now. They excercised their hearts and minds in prayer so that they may see with eyes that can see, and hear with ears that can hear. In that way they sought to consumate the marriage of Heaven and Earth within themselves. That was the supreme goal of the opus. The central philospophy behind their effort to elevate Nature was to first be acheived within their own nature. So they paved the path with a fervent reverence towards all that is Divine; towards the Divinity that is to be found in All; which they sought within themselves. They became the altar for their work, and the crucible. The transformative work was to be acheived within them, as well as without.

In truth, though, alchemists never really brought, or bring, Heaven and Earth together; for Heaven and Earth are inseperable except by one means alone, and that is the fallen consiousness. The conciousness of man, and of nature, as viewed through alchemy, are seen as being detatched, asleep; removed from the great Conciousness by the fall of Spirit into matter. Matter casts it's spell of sleep over the Spirit. The true alchemists see and understand this.

So, the alchemists sought, and seek, to truly see, and truly hear; to awaken from the sleep so as to work with Spirit within matter; to marry the small I to the Great I, to become one with the Divine Consiousness. Through that personal awakening the Divine in Nature is enlivened and She rejoices, and becomes the bride that will give birth to the stone. This is the real work behind that which is called 'The Great Work': the persuit of awakening the Divine that sleeps within the twilight grip of matter.

Of course, you probably already know that the vision of the marriage of Heaven and Earth is not altogether exclusive to the alchemical persuit. That ideal is sought by the devotees of many diverse spiritual paths that have their roots in antiquity but, especially those that follow the teachings that were born and still thrive in the East.
Alchemy also has it roots in that same Eastern soil, and there we find, among other outstanding spiritual works of art, the Upanishads, that were penned to serve the soul as a path towards that great Conciousness, therein named, Brahman.
The Upanishads state that when the height of realization is won by the follower, when true seeing and hearing occurs, it is perceived by the Atman. That dawning is the birth of Brahman in the mind of the initiate on this plain of being. Yet the two, Brahman and Atman, are said in actuality to be one. It is a shared vision of Creation, as though seen through a singular eye.

The Atman (individual aspect of Brahman) is like a molecule of water in the vastness of the sea that is Brahman. The two are truly one. It is merely a matter of awareness.


Is it The Saint that carries the babe across the water,
or is it the babe that is The Saint?

The two are one!



The real bane of the alchemical work is seperation from the Divine Conciousness, and that seperation is due to the fallen conciousness. Without the fulfillment of the connection which perceives and works in harmony with the marriage of Heaven and Earth the work towards creating the stone will be all for naught.

So the way towards the stone begins simply (yet far from so seemingly simple) with the waking of the Sleeping Beauty; freed from the arms of the night, from the spells of the deep, roused by dawn, like the morning star's illumination.

In truth there is no one thing in the entirity of Creation that is outside of the Divine Conciousness; not a stone, not a piece of discarded rubbish, not the chair that now is your seat, not these words that you read here, saying to you:

They are you


and they are me.


They are us.


They are 'I'.


That is the Quintessence behind the alchemical opus: the single eye at the apex of the pyramid. It is the 'nail' that pierces through all matter and manner of nature. The nail that ties beam to beam.

Without it the Mage's house will not stand.




"My name used to be 'Me',
but now it is 'You'."

an anonymous monk


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