Sharp-thorned Rose

While walking around outside, one chances to meet many

Interesting Life-forms

One day I happened to meet one such being,

a Rose by all accounts

and in the course of time, had many fulfilling

Conversations with this beautiful flower.

As time went on I grew fond of this Rose,

and did seek to remove it from the place it comfortably rested.

But as I reached to make this Rose mine,

I realized a terrible Truth of Roses;

They do possess sharp and vicious Thorns!

These thorns did leave deep and lasting Wounds

which in turn left Scars

a lasting reminder of my foolishness.

I do not regret making the acquaintance of this Rose,

nor do I blame anyone but myself for my scars.

I only wish I had taken more time to appreciate the company of this Rose,

rather than reaching to disturb

Something better left to grow.



