I'm the Fool

Another door slammed in my face

Just like every other day

I know it's an accident, but I can't not wonder

If I'm the only one who makes this blunder

You steal my thunder

and I can hear you say "Get out of the way!"

I take one step too many

end up falling through thin ice

and I can't help but think it's 'cause

I followed your advice.

I seek the hidden meaning as I'm drowning from within;

You're the one who taught me how to swim.

We walk two different paths, and you always get there first.

I always come in last, as you're giving me that smirk.

'Cause my path looks like something out of Indiana Jones,

and you float past and leave me on my own.

I walk into the lion's den, every time you give that grin

you keep a tooth as a souvenir, every time I fall down heaven's stairs

and as I tumble into hell

I hear you say "It's just as well.

Can't you see you're such a fool?"

I am the fool. Idiot extraordinaire,

but I can't help but wonder what you're hiding under there.

You're always the strong one, always in control

But I would gladly offer you my soul.



