Feburary 14, 2003
Ummm i'm kind of happy so far with the turn out its aiight. I've holding back a little just to see if there is any use in doing this thang all out. There seems to be the enjoyment of the hand drawn pics, soon to come, summthang hot and new! New VOLUME TWO is up now!!! New poems fo the black history month before the end of Feburary! Love this fo now! Peace.

September 1, 2002
LAUNCH DAY WELCOME!!!! I'm trying to keep the site plain fo the whole aspect of keeping things down to earth so try to enjoy! I'm not a computer wiz so don't expect flying things and fireworks maybe some one can help me with that shit! Anyways enjoy, PEACE!

September 22, 2002
A little bit of hold back but site the site is set to launch by the 31st of september fo shore! This is site is meant fo good not fo hate so respect all this as just freedom of expression & art! Join on to the poets list and get your word spread its easy just buzz me and choose your prefered form of communication.

August 7, 2002
There's something new in here! The creation of the final draft of the Suga Spot is now down and ready to be launched, With a new edgy design that I have created there will be an easier time of reading and viewing poetry and pictures. With new changes such as the "SUGANAV" that allow easy access to specific areas of the site. This is located at the bottom left corner of the site.