Welcome to "Ex-Cutter"!

Before I go any further I just have to tell you that I hate these pretentious description-introduction-opening thingy-ma-jigs, so, I will attempt to sound as professional as I can without seeming too ludicrous, but that itself is inevitable.

I, Spencer, am a cutter. I can't tell you for how long, all I know is that I've been indulging in masochistic behaviour for years. Whether it be with razors, lighters, pieces of glass, hitting, punching, banging my head, etc. After approximately 8 years, I've come to the slightly obvious conclusion that enough is enough, and that I will use this site as an outlet to promote abstinence from the latter.

I have some ideas with what I want to do with this little site, but, nothing will be written in stone. I really don't want this site to totally revolve around me; I have two that do already (++).

So take a look around, I'll post updates to let people know, but mostly to remind myself. Hopefully this site will flourish into something remotely useful.