Bouley Family
About Kirstie

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First of all don't expect proper grammar because you're not gonna get it on this page.

Info on Kirstie
Things you may not have known | What am I looking forward too | Hobbies | Day Job | Books and Authors | Movies, TV, & Music

Websites Kirstie visits;  - pretty much self explanatory on what it is. - the newspaper from back home you might think    I'm a little morbid but I look at the obits so that I know who's died before my parents tell me. - Yes. I have a Facebook profile.


Things you may not have known about Kirstie

You may not know that I.....

  • am a 1st Generation Canadian from the McCaig family

  • have always wanted to be a cartoon voice

  • can play the flute

  • used to work in a planning mill

  • can hang a spoon on my nose, and whistle with my tongue curled

  • like to watch curling

  • got my first passport when I was a baby

  • was in a bus accident

  • am allergic to stinging insects


What little things is Kirstie looking forward too?

We're going to visit the Hershey Factory this year before it closes
Finishing my first quilt
Getting my driver's license


Hobbies ;

Painting, drawing, crocheting and I've taken up reading again, but it's hard to keep these hobbies going.  It's amazing how someone so tiny takes up most of your free time.
I also enjoy talking on the phone, and keeping in touch with my friends and family.


Day Job ;
I'm an Activity Aide in a Longterm care facility in Ottawa.  I'm also working on becoming an Horticultural Therapist and I'm a mom which is a 24 hr. job for life



Books and Authors

Gregory McGuire (Wicked, Son of a Witch)
Sophia Kinsella (Shopaholic series, Can you Keep a Secret)
Helen Fielding
Marian Keyes


Movies, TV, and Music;

Some of my Favourite Movies; Beetlejuice, Princess Bride, the Notebook, Iris

Some of my Favourite TV Series; 6 Feet Under, Dexter, CSI, the Office

Some of my Favourite Music comes from; Enya, U2, James Blunt