20 Keys to a Happy Life

He Wept For Them

Grateful Therese

A Merry Heart

He is Faithful

Soar Like An Eagle

A Time for Everything

Joyful Giving

Can You See God?

Inner Peace Virus


The devil once held a sale. He offered all the tools
of his trade to anyone who would pay their price. These were
spread out on the table and each one labeled. Hatred, malice, envy,
despair, sickness, sensuality
-- all the weapons that everyone knows so well.

But off to one side lay a harmless looking wood-shaped instrument
marked "discouragement." It was old and worn-looking but it
was priced far above all the rest. When asked the reason why, the devil
replied, "Because I can use this one so much more easily than the others.
No one knows that it belongs to me, so with it I can open doors that are
tightly bolted against the others. Once I get inside I can use any tool
that suits me best."

Charles Stanley, in his book Into His Presence points out
that it seems difficult to praise God when we are discouraged. Trouble abounds
and sorrow clouds our eyes. Thus we cannot see the goodness of the Lord.

Satan's mission is one of discouragement. He knows he cannot have
a believer's soul, but he does not give up. Therefore, he seeks to do
one thing that will render your life ineffective for the Lord, and that is
to discourage you and to rob you of your joy.

Is something burdening you? Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Refreshment and encouragement await you. The secret of praise is not
found in waiting until everything in your life is peaceful and calm.
It is learning to praise God in the most difficult moments.

I praise you, Lord, despite my circumstances.
I worship You, despite my difficulties. In Your presence I seek
refreshment and encouragement. Amen.