steve's homepage
Steven johnson
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Hello, my name is Steve and I go to school at UCC. I live on campus and I'm 6'2". I'm 18 and will be 18 until the end of fall semester 2003. I like open and friendly people. One belief I stand by is that a smile alway makes a person look friendlier. Uhh. that's it.
I love playing video games and long walks through the park. I spend most of my time playing my XBOX instead of studying. oops!
My friends are the people I work with and talk to everyday. They reflect the character that I am becoming. Because I am still going to school I still have the opportunity to make friends and that's an advantage over not going to school ... I think. uhh! never mind. What matters is that my friends and familly are still a part of my life and greatly influence many of my decisions. not that I'm a follower. uhh! never mind that. bye.