What We Do

As a sect of the order of the ART, we come together to acquire knowledge and understandings. We come together to experience and share experiences together, to perform magickal operations, rituals, celebrations and practices. We come together at the SABBATS and the New and Full moon phases.

As a group we strive to help each other understand ourselves and our surroundings. Heightening are knowledges, self-confidence, selft esteamed, corage, spirituality and inner peace. As a whole we endeavor to help bring these qualities to as many others as we can within our power.

Individually we're graced with Friendship, companion ship, understanding, a sense of belonging, purpose and knowledge. We're each personally challenged to grow, experiance and succeed in the ways of magick and Human abilities. Becoming as spiritual and knowledgeable as individually possible.

The ART itself is not a specific religion or faith. The ART itself is the practice of All Religious Teachings, new and old. So as a sect of the ART we remain open minded to all practices, teachings, scriptures, sutras, and prophesies from all religions, faiths and beliefs. Drawing from them understanding, truth and power.

Our membership comes together to learn the making of tools, SPELL work, focus and concentration, meditation, divination, and the rituals and ceremonies practiced by the Society of minds, those who have experienced and have wisdom and understanding of the knowledges of the ART.

Can Anyone Join?

Anyone can become an intended member. All though, not everyone becomes initiated. Those who strive to become initiated members and succeed in accomplishing all the steps required do.

To become an Initiated member you must be of or over the age 18 years old. However those from the age of 16, maybecome intended members, however may not participate in any ritualistic activity of the membership. This may discourage people under the age of 18 from trying, but if looked at from the point of view, that they're allowed to learn the basics until the age of 18, when they turn 18, they will be well into the learning process and understandings of the ART. This will help them to achieve higher levels of learning and knowledge at a younger age, compared to those who begin at the initiation age of 18 years old.

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