My Self...
I'm a writer and philosopher at heart but in real life I'm a mom, "pseudo-wife" (common-law!) and cable collections coordinator. I love small moments - the air after a rain or watching kids play. I have a slightly off-beat sense of humour and have been called 'overly analytical' more  than once. I'll likely end up in a rest home rocker screaming, "Coupons! Use your  coupons!"

My Passions... I read voraciously - classic literature is my favourite: Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Steinbeck. I do read some modern writers, but if you're a member of the Danielle Steele fan club, you should probably leave now. I also enjoy dancing with my honey, word puzzles, days at the  beach and crochet - but not the stuff people made in the '70s! I like long talks with  good friends, music, black cherry ice cream and drooling my way through Mel Gibson  movies.

My Family...Between us, we have four kids aged 5, 13, 18 and 20, plus a 25-yr-old step-daughter. They keep us thinking to say the least! No matter what challenges they present to me as a parent, I love and admire them all deeply. They're each wonderfully unique and simply watching them  living their lives and making their choices is fulfilling. Sharing the experience with  me is the love of my life. He's a lively thinker, and his insights never fail to intrigue  me. It's one of my favorite things about him. I can't even begin to imagine what my  life would have been like without every single one them in it.