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thats me and dan on new years eve 2003

about me..
[i am]:not goin out with anyone
[i believe..]that God created the whole world, and I have sinned and I have fall short of the glory of God, I believe that God loves me so much that he sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for me, so I could have eternal life with Him.
[i live in]:Richmond, BC
[school]:Steveston Secondary
[music]: emo. punk. indie. "screamo". ie: thrice, thursday, juliana theory, beautiful mistake, appleseed cast, dashboard confessional, stabilo, dead poetic... the list goes on
[sports]: volleyball, basketball, football(tackle, not flag), track & field..i'd liek to say i skateboard, snowboard and mountain board.. but, i suck at them.
[fave. color]: red, pink, black
[likes]: Jesus// God..quoting simon "He has been very good to me", Reading in the woods or by the dock, kids, camping, huge bear hugs, meeting new people, people that care about others,dogs,elephants,beaches, californian sunshine.
[her msn]:gurl_4_jchrist@hotmail.com

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