This Business Plan was written between December 6, 1999 - July 27, 2001

The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation®

"It's not what we do - It's how we do it"™

Business Plan Presentation


The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation© is the successor to Drever Enterprises© - Marketing and Business Development, which was created in December, 1999 as a Marketing and Business Development Company whose sole responsibility would be to get the Homeless into homes, Street People off the Street, people on welfare off of Welfare and People who are on AISH into low-cost housing and decent jobs. As a Marketing and Business Development Company we will develop some Business's that they will work in. One of those Businesses will include Alberta Street Talk and Media Inc©, who will print, publish and distribute a new "Street Paper", called Alberta Street Talk©. The media aspect of ASTMI will be the creation of Drever Broadcasting© by 2014. At that time Drever Broadcasting will include Television Stations CHOM© (Calgary) and CLES© (Vancouver) then, about 15 years after the launch of the first two Station's, the National Network, based out of Toronto, The Homeless Channel©.


Chairman, President & CEO
Shane Robert Quinn Friday

Vice President


Mark Sante


Build a 1,000-suite Fourteen Storey low-cost, affordable housing block at a cost of $8.5 Million.

Construct a 127,000 square foot building to house Alberta Street Talk and Media Inc® at a cost of $4.6 Million.

Found Drever Broadcasting (Television Station's CHOM Calgary, CLES Vancouver and eventually the National Network - The Homeless Channel) for a Combined Total of $19.5 Million

The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation

2 phase - $32.6 Million - 20-year Plan

Phase 1 December, 1999 - December, 2009

Focus on getting The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation® up and running. Start building DMBDC Place™ and work towards creating Alberta Street Talk and Media Inc®

Phase II Dec, 2010-Dec, 2020.

By this time DMBDC™, DMBDC Place™ and Alberta Street Talk and Media Inc® will already be created and we will add Drever Broadcasting®, as the Media Arm, to ASTMI™.

Business Concept

The concept of The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation® is to give people a second chance to get out of the "Street" way of life, to give them low-cost, affordable housing and give them full-time permanent employment.


1) We don't expect any because we are going to charge LOWER rent than everybody else is.

and 2) We are going to change the way Business is done to suite the need(s) of the homeless individual(s) who come to us.

The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation® Financial Plan

The Financial Plan of DMBDC™ will be quite complex.

  • Go and get the DMBDC trade name registered.

  • After we get the trade name registered, DMBDC can go and and apply for a charity registration number.

  • Once DMBDC has a charity number, we can start to solicit for donations and issue tax receipts.

  • DMBDC Place™

    What DMBDC Place™ will be is a 1,000-suite, Fourteen Storey low-cost, affordable housing block that will be located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The people who would live there will come from all lifestyles. Welfare recipients who want a change in their lives, single mothers who just got out of a bad relationship And, hopefully some of the "High Powered" peoples in Calgary. The focus of DMBDC Place will be to help the homeless and disadvantaged become better people. How? What I plan to do is build up a highly trained workforce of men and Woman who will become theDMBDC Place Construction Crew®. These people will be the ones responsible for building DMBDC Place.

    Once DMBDC Place™ is built The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation® will be able to keep people working by developing employment for them. No one else may apply to work at either DMBDC or DMBDC Place (other then the DMBDC Executives and Staff, or the DMBDC Place Staff) except people on Social Assistance, AISH or who are homeless.

    Alberta Street Talk and Media Inc®

    What ASTMI™ will do is create an environment where the Homeless, Street People, etc can gain employment and that coupled with DMBDC Place™ will give them a better life.

    Drever Broadcasting™

    What Drever Broadcasting™ will be is a Broadcasting Company that will consist of Television Stations CHOM™ Calgary and CLES™ Vancouver.

    The idea behind Drever Broadcasting™ is to give people who want to get into the Broadcasting Industry some practical experience before they go to Broadcast School.

    "IT'S NOT WHAT WE DO - IT'S HOW WE DO IT"™ is a Trademark of The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation. ©1999 - 2004 The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation®

    Thank-you for joining us today. It has been a pleasure to present this plan to you. God Bless and have a wonderful day.

    Shane Robert Quinn Friday

    President & CEO

    The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation

    All information contained in this Website "the site" is Copyright © 1999-2006 The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Questions? Send email to