A lovely March 1999 image of a mourning dove, the copyrighted image of Mark C. Cassino. (I used to be able to let you see the original image on Mark's site but cannot do so today) Need I say it again? Mark has a simply splendid nature website which you are invited to visit. Thank you Mark!

For reasons the webmaster cannot explain, this lake applet will not show on this page maybe related to differences between the Netscape Java and the old Internet Explorer version. I do not believe there is a coding error. So here is the image that should be reflecting - since you seem not to be able to see it above.

Seeing this image reminds me of a bird none of us alive (or at least very very few of us) today have ever seen - the passenger pigeon. Now THE site to visit on the subject of Passenger Pigeons is right here - a splendid site with paintings, photographs, historical accounts and lots, lots more. But for those interested in the subject, I also refer you to a data page on this total site. It includes an article the Webmaster wrote a few years ago and some fine images that you would enjoy. Do drop by!

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