Another magnificent image of a Giant Swallowtail Butterfly! (Heraclides cresphontes) This superb image, taken by photographer Luiz Fernando of Jaú-SP-Brazil using an Olympus C-2100 camera, is featured here with Luiz's kind permission. The image appeared on Steve's Digicams Website in the Digicam Closeup Pics section. Luiz works with "FotoShow", the Brazilian Photo-Of-The-Day website, (English version here), but has a very large archive of his images on display on this "fotografia em português" (photography in portuguese) website and more in an archive at "Club-Photo".

The giant swallowtail butterfly is the largest North American butterfly (3 5/8" - 5 1/2") and is found throughout most of North America. It is more common in the south and south central states and is often known as the "Orange Dog" for its bright orange wing spot (not visible in this image). It is considered by some to be a citrus pest.

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