Mike Battista

Another blog from a boring old grad student whose name happens to be Mike Battista.

My Photo
Name:Michael E. Battista

Location:London, Ontario, Canada

My name is Mike Battista. I am a 25 year old grad student, going to the University of Western Ontario. I am currently studying psychology in the area of personality, measurement, and cognitive psychology. This web site will contain lots of informational goodness about me, but it is currently under construction. I'll also use this as a blog with updates on my life, so I have a record of what I've done when my memory fails me. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Coffee is Good For You

According to this Psychology Today article, coffee is good for you in all sorts of ways. Hooray! Now I don't feel so bad that the only liquid I've put in my body today was coffee.

Now what I'm wondering is whether all the research we heard about a few years ago - about coffee causing heart disease and being addictive - is now not true any more. OK, so coffee prevents cancer now. So will I live a cancer-free life, only to die of a heart attack while I'm trembling in the line at Starbucks waiting for my next fix?

Whatever. That picture to the right is making me want some coffee. Mmmm, coffee.

Mind Podcast

Lately I've been into podcasts. Podcasts are basically radio shows which are recorded as mp3s, and can be set to automatically upload to your mp3 player (such as an iPod) whenever a new episode comes out.

For psychologists, a very useful podcast is Mind Podcast. It's not flashy and exciting or anything, but this guy goes over whatever psychology topic he is studying every day. It's like having a study buddy reading notes to you through your mp3 player. A study buddy with a cool accent. For grad students, it will mostly be review of the basics, but we can all use that once in a while.

The show is on a break right now, but I've been emailing back and forth with the dude who does this, and he says it will be back sometime (though maybe not as frequently...every day was a bit excessive anyway).

Note that you can get to older episodes by clicking on the Archives on the righthand side, then clicking on individual episode titles.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The other night, Willow (our dog) was hyper yet bored. We were watching TV and ignoring her. So she started playing with her tennis ball. At one point, it rolled onto her blanket. She then decided to grab the edge of the blanket and yank it up, so that the ball went flying off to the side. She decided this was a fun game, so she chased down the ball, put it back on the blanket, and sent it flying again. She did this over and over, until she got bored of that too.

This got me thinking...can animals be creative? My research involves creativity, but I haven't really come across (or looked for) anything about animal creativity. Most people seem to think that creativity is uniquely human. I've seen it referred to as the very thing that makes us human. Yet there was my dog, coming up with a new way to combine two items in a way she had never witnessed before. She then used this combination to satisfy her goals (i.e. having fun by chasing a ball). Is that creativity?

Usually we define creativity as doing something that is both novel and useful. This seems to satisfy both requirements. Maybe she wasn't the first dog in the history of dogkind to come up with this game, but it was certainly new to her, and useful in alleviating boredom. So yeah, animals can be creative, by that definition. I'm sure monkeys and apes come up with even more amazing stuff than tossing a ball using a blanket.

Speaking of which, I'm listening to the new Gorillaz album for the first time, and it is just spiffy. Go buy it.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Under Construction

You know what I think I'll do with this web site? I'll make it my "professional" site, where I can record my school and career related activities. Sort of like a super-detailed CV / resume. I can also deal with topics directly related to my schooling and research, like philosophical and detailed psychological stuff. It will probably not be interesting to anybody except me, but that's OK.

Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to start today, so this will have to remain as a crappy under-construction site for now. Later!


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I am in snow? Posted by Hello


I have nothing to say today.