Message of Hope

The Personal Web Page of Fred & Winny Walton Presenting a Message of Hope
to a Hurting World. Ministering through the
Union Gospel Mission & the
Christian Motorcyclists Association

This is the personal web page of Fred and Winny Walton. It is our desire to reach as many people as possible with A MESSAGE OF HOPE.

* This message is found in the person of Jesus Christ.We also believe that the message of "God", "the Creator", our "Higher Power" is found in the message of the Bible.

* We also believe that MOST PEOPLE BELIEVE IN GOD, but they are stuck in that belief.

* It is necessary to go beyond believing and make a conscious decision to turn your life and your will over to the care of the one in whom you believe.

* The Bible teaches that, ".... all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God..."

Jesus said, "I am the way.... no one comes to the Father (God, Creator, Higher Power, etc.) except by me" (parenthesis is added)

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Designed by Fred Walton, 2000
Updated: January 12, 2002