Unrestricted Access Rules
1.Members must abide and follow by their chain of command 2nd 3rd and 4th in command will have there responsibilty of maintaining a leader roll along with helping any and everyone.

2.There will be no flaming allowed in the group! If your problem is with another member contact the leader or a chain of command that your in if the flaming keeps goin on you'll be released from the group and banned this goes for non-members too that are flaming.

3.You are expected to post when you can and help anyone in need use your judgement and if your in other groups don't forget to do your part in Unrestricted Access.

4.If you don't see your name on the members list anymore it's from lack of participation and not showing interest in the group anymore.

5.Lets have fun learning and teaching others this is what a group is for a group of people to teach eachother and others.