Surf (A58)

Origin of Name=Possibly just surf, as in waves

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Photos of Surf

Above; Surf's ID photo from the 1st edition of Killer Whales by Ford, Ellis and Balcomb.

Bare Facts: Unknown ~ Born 1992 ~ Died 1993 ~ Mother Kelsey ~ Father Unknown ~ Children None ~ ID Thick fin; very round tip; straight until three-quarters up, then bend

Surf was born in 1992 to Kelsey, who was then 25 years old. He/she was Kelsey's fifth calf.
Hey, wait a minute, did you think Surf was Sonora (A42)'s calf? Well, confusingly, that's right too. Surf in the A5 pod is a young male who's still alive. He was named Surf after the Surf in the A4 pod had died. Ok?
The same year Surf was born, older sister Scylla passed away, leaving the family made up of only Surf, older sister Sutlej, and mom Kelsey.
Researchers kept a close eye on Surf, because out of five calves that Kelsey gave birth to, only one survived past the five year mark.
Surf survived his/her first year, but sadly, he/she too passed away the next year.