Hardy (A20)

Origin of Name=Possibly Point Hardy/Fin

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Photos of Hardy

Above; Hardy's ID photo, from Killer Whales 1st Edition by John Ford, Graeme Ellis and Kenneth Balcomb.

Bare Facts: Male ~ Born est.1953 ~ Died 1992 ~ Mother Stubbs ~ Father Unknown ~ Children Unknown ~ ID Three nicks in fin; tall, straight fin; small scars in saddle
And, I have even less information on him than on Sofia. That's the problem with not being a scientist, or having OLD photos, just new ones. But I'll do my best!
Hardy was born around 1953, probably to Stubbs. Its more certain that he was Stubbs' kid, than it is with Sofia.
Without genetic testing, we won't know if Hardy ever had kids, but we can probably assume he did, seeing as the whale population is seriously lacking in males.
However, he WAS alive for the births of all four of his niece/nephews. In fact, he even saw them all grow up, as Kaikash just passed puberty when he died, and therefore (I'm assuming) he helped raise and teach them.
Hardy may have been named after Port Hardy, but he might also have been the whale named Sturdy, in the same way that Stubbs was Tulip. If so, he was named after the sturdiness of his fin.
Hardy died in 1992.

Hardy's mentioned in In the Company of Whales: From the Diary of a Whale-Watcher By Alexandra Morton. It speaks of a family reunion between Top Notch (A5) and Hardy. You should read the book, even if it is a kid's one. Its fun to read, especially if you know the whales she's talking about.
Hardy was fairly easy to identify. His fin stood very straight and tall, and there were three nicks (helpfully if clumsily pointed out in the ID photo above) in it.