Above; Kandu7, the longest orca in captivity, wows some admirers...

Hello! If you've come to this page, you are answering my plea for help! This website is just getting off the ground, and I would really appreciate anyone's help! So...a list of things that I'd REALLY appreciate if people sent me:) If you've got any info or pics, even if it's not mentioned here, I'd be very happy! lol EMAIL ME

Useful Things This Website Needs

-ANY photos of wild whales (or captive whales-but especially wild ones), especially deceased whales

-ANY info, stories, etc...would love to hear about your encounters or knowledge!

-I said any photos, but especially photos of: Sophia (!), Stubbs, Hardy, Pulteney, Wavy, Nicola, A10, A4, A7, the Bs, Cs, Ds, and basically practically anybody!

-Also welcome, of course, are photos of ANY unnamed whales, or any of the new calves that aren't in the ID book

-Your artwork! I'd love to display any orca-related artwork that you have, so send me your masterpieces!


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