Shout Outs:

Cam- Yer crazy for even knowing me =P

Mom - You F'in RAWK!

Angie - I wub woo sis.

Alli - Bring me a Kangaroo when you come to visit. =)

BlueStar - Keep looking on, I love you.

CherBear - Mmm Charger!

Jessie - Did Frances MAKE you have sex with him? lol

Lil Homey - You'll always be ma homes. Werd! (Thats DOPE yo!)

Jer - Thanks for all your help in the past to see things clearly. I miss ya =(

Mandi - Shat!


Grandpa - I miss you =(

And to everyone who I may have missed, hopefully I haven't missed anyone.

Thanks for all your inspiration and your friendship most importantly!
