Nuns' Island Tenants Association  (NITA)
Association des Locataires de l'Île des Soeurs  (ALIS)
C.P. 63008, 40 Place du Commerce,  Île des Soeurs
Verdun, QC  H3E 1V6
Phone: 514-667-0914   FAX:  514-995-2773

Details on the 2003 Rent Setting

"Fixation 2003" relates to all leases expiring on any date between April 1, 2003 and March 31, 2004 (including, for example, leases renewing July 1, 2003, who received the landlord's Renewal Notices in January 2003). If "Fixation 2003" really were to go as far as the "Quebec Rental Board" ("Régie du logement"), the case would not be expected to get heard until the Spring of 2004, or later even.

[Note: "Fixation 2002", on the other hand, encompassed all leases that expired between April 1, 2002 and March 31, 2003. Tenants involved in "Fixation 2002" can expect to soon be called to the Régie, all simultaneously, in the same room]

Did you recently, or will you soon contest your 5% rent increase, as do an EXTRAORDINARILY large number of your neighbors? Based on information available to NITA, "Metropolitan Structures Inc." (MSInc.) is continuing to file Rent Setting Applications ("Demande de fixation de loyer") before the Rental Board, within the prescribed time limit (within one month of your refusal letter). Contrary to previous years, however, MSInc. seems to be taking much longer in providing tenants with a copy of the Applications (the law merely states that landlords should do this "within a reasonable time"). If you have not yet received your copy of the Application (a green legal-size document, on a Régie form), you may contact the Rental Board, at (514)873-BAIL (873-2245), to obtain the status of your file. Ask them for your file number, and for that of the completed "Feuille de renseignements nécessaires", filed by SMInc. (doubtful), then kindly e-mail both numbers to NITA.

Remember that "Fixation 2003" wouldn't be heard until Spring 2004. We are still awaiting the date for the hearing of "Fixation 2002", ostensibly within the coming weeks or months.

To NITA's knowledge, MSInc. has not yet filed any "Feuille de renseignements nécessaires " (RN) with the Régie, i.e.: the expenses incurred during calendar 2001 [let alone calendar 2002]. The Régie's worksheet would start from such figures to calculate our "Fixation 2002" rent increases [then, much later, "Fixation 2003" increases]. NITA still estimates that increases will remain *FAR* below the 5% demanded by MSInc