1.    Invent Something

    1.    Find Some Geniuses

      1.    Look for Intelligent-Sounding Names in:

        1.    Victoria, BC Phone Book
        2.    IBM Research Labs Lay-Off Roster
        3.    "Nanotechnology Today" Subscriber List

      2.    Send Friends to Look in:

        1.    Some Big Libraries
        2.    UBC Droms
        3.    McDonald's

    2.    Hire Them to Design and Build It

      1.    Take Out a Loan
      2.    Wave Cash Under Their Noses
      3.    Rent a Big House with a Lab in the Back

  2.    Market It Big Time

    1.    Run Lots of TV Ads
    2.    Open a Web Site
    3.    Rake in the Green

    4. Check out my homepage

      Also check out How to win at Golf