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Enroll to be a Student

Please Fill out and e-mail the following information about your character. Send to With the Subect: TEACHER
Name: Character name....First and last NEEDED!!!!!!! Middle name allowed!

Ethnicity: Italian, Asian, Caucasian...etc.

Birth: Muggle, Half-blood, Pure-blood

Age: However old you want them to be!

Birthday: Character Birthday! Can be your own birthday! Month and Day only!

Eye Colour: What color???

Hair Colour: Needs to describe length, color, way you wear it, thickness...etc.

Height: In Feet and Inches.

Weight: In pounds

Wand: (Length, Wood, and core... Any core you want! Veela hair, phoenix feathers, dragon heartstrings, mermaid scales...etc.)

Class Taught: Which class would you preferr to teach.

Would you condisider being head of house? Which house? Keliki Maika'i, Hoku, Loke-Lani?

Class that you would choose as a second pick to teach:

Class you would NEVER choose:

Personality: A nice description of the character's personality is required for an accurate sorting. What are their hopes? What are her fears? Do they have any sort of weird twitch? What are his likes and dislikes? You know what I want. Make it long, detailed, and in-depth, as if you were describing a real person. Give examples, tell some stories, make it worth reading!

Brief History: What is it that brought the character to where he or she is now? What was his family life like? Did she have friends growing up? Where did she grow up? Was there any sort of trauma in his life? Make it interesting! I love reading these stories!

Appearance: Describe your look. Tell me how your hair is, what you like to wear, your build, how big your nose is! LOL! Just describe well!

Familiar: Cat, Dog, Bird, Fish...Etc. I don't care if its a faerie, or any other exotic animal as long as its not mean!

Please write out a small paragraph about a class.

Send to With the Subect: TEACHER