In 2002, because 2 or 3 Sub-Districts including 41-O & S1 were under the LCI required numbers, the Council of Governors mandated the LRPC to draft a redistricting proposal that would be acceptable to the Lions of MD41. Preliminary work was carried out by the LRPC of the time under the leadership of PDG Bill Shorey from Maine, but they could not agree on a proposal.


In the Spring of 2004, under the leadership of PDG Rheal Cormier, the LRPC met in Saint John, N.B. to draft a redistricting proposal. At that time, some of the leaders in Maine made a request to the LRPC and to the Council to possibly separate from Atlantic Canada. A vote was held by the Lions of the two Sub-Districts in Maine and it was strongly in favour of Maine separating and forming their own Multiple District.


In the Spring of 2005, another vote was held by all seven Sub-districts of MD41 to decide if the Lions of MD41 were willing to let Maine go. Six of the seven Districts voted in favour.


Subsequent to that, the LRPC drafted a final redistricting proposal which was voted upon by all seven Sub-Districts in MD41 at their April Conventions. This vote was approximately 80% in favour of said proposal.

This final proposal was submitted to LCI in July 2006 by the LRPC. At their October Board meeting, the Directors of LCI accepted our redistricting proposal as we had submitted it.


Maine kept the 41 designation because it was theirs first, when Lionism expanded in that area.

The new Multiple District in Atlantic Canada is designated as N.

Therefore District 41-L & 41-I and a few Maine Clubs from 41-O are now known as (Single) District 41, taking all of Maine except the 3 Clubs mentionned below.


District 41-O & 41-N1, plus three Clubs from Maine ( Fort Kent, Fort Fairfield and Calais), are now known as Sub-District N-1, being all of N.B. and Prince Edward Island.

District 41-N2 remained the same and is designated as Sub-District N-2, composed of Nova Scotia.

District 41-S1 and 41-S2 also remained the same and are known as Sub-Districts N-3 (Western Nfld & Labrador) and N4 (Eastern Newfoundland).

It will be called; District N-2, but it is Sub-District N-2 or Multiple District – N, District N2


LCI-Lions Club International

LRPC-Long Range Planning Committee

PDG-Past District Governor

MD-Multiple District