NextCard Visa




Can I make more than $20 per sale?
Yes. We'll automatically upgrade you to Gold Affiliate status if your website sends us significant volume or if your website visitors are approved for a NextCard Visa more often than visitors from other affiliate sites. As a Gold Affiliate, you'll earn at least $25 for each new NextCard Visa account.

Can I refer new Affiliates?
Yes. We provide a Two-Tiered Affiliate Program that pays you at least $2 for each second-tiered sale. Please visit our Two-Tiered Program page for details.

How can I tell if my links are working?
To see your last visit registered by our system click here.

Where can I change my Affiliate username or password?
If you want to change your username or password click here.

When do I get paid?
Commission payments will be mailed quarterly, within 15 to 30 days the month following the close of each quarter.

What will my weekly report include?
Get your detailed weekly reports showing you the number of click-throughs and sales you've generated. Sample Report

How often will I receive my report?
Reports are posted weekly, covering the prior week's performance.

Can International Affiliates join?
Yes! We welcome Affiliates from Boston to Beijing. However, the NextCard Visa credit card is currently only available to US residents.

What do I do if my report is wrong?
If you think that there is an error in your weekly report, send us an email at explaining the error. We'll look into it and get back to you within 3 business days. Please remember that it may take up to three days after a user accepts their card for that commission to be reflected in you report.

How is a sale defined?
A sale is defined as an applicant who is approved for a NextCard Visa and accepts a NextCard Visa credit card offer. In essence, a sale is a new NextCard customer.

How do I cancel my account?
We're sorry to see any Affiliate leave, but if you must, please login to your account and change your affiliate status to Inactive.


Click on one of the banners to Join!


NextCard Visa