Love Is Blind

Do you know, love is blind
It comes from our heart, not our mind
So thoughtful, caring and kind
Often comes unexpectedly, I find
When It hits, no-one knows
Where it's going to lead, where it's going to go
Like a special seed
Nurture it, it shall grow
Feelings, Just begins to flow
In our eyes it really shows
Happiness seen on our faces
A love so intense, deep
In our hearts, there's always traces
Always there, even in our sleep
With a love so magical, it's hard to conceal
We can't control, how we feel
Some-times with a glance, all is revealed
In life, we have to take a chance
For true love and romance

                                          by: Patty

           Copyright ©2002 Patricia Darlene Lachapelle      June 15/02


