A Little Time

I wish you would have told me
That you wanted to hold me for a while
I wouldn't have walked away, I would have smiled
If only, I would have known
The love I feel for you, I would have shown
All I need is a chance, To win your heart
Hold you close and dance
Beneath the stars, in the moon light
Show you how I feel, my love for you is real
Rap my arms around your neck, hold you tight
We'll rock and sway through the night
Gentle little pecks on your lips, so divine
Please let me have a little time
There's nothing I wouldn't do
Stand at your side, Walk any line
Straight or narrow even very fine
I'd do anything to have you for mine
You were meant for me
You and I, are meant to be

                                      by: Patty
Copyright ©2002 Patricia Darlene Lachapelle      March28/02


