A little Bird

It's a beautiful morning
The sun is up and shinning
There's not a cloud in the sky
It's so clear, a bird is singing near
It has a wonderful sound
He's not perched in a tree
He's on the ground, beside me
His song a love melody
It reminds me of you, your song so true
His feathers a bright blue
My eyes, when I look at you
Then on the ground, a snack he has found
He seems so proud, singing again
Very softly, tweet tweet
Reminds me of your voice, soft and sweet
Walking in the grass, I notice his little tiny feet
I have to wonder, as he goes
where is he going, does he know
Spreading his wings, oops he flies away
I wonder if he'll be back another day

                                     by: Patty
Copyright ©2002 Patricia Darlene Lachapelle          May 15/02


