The Legend of...

    Sailor Moon

Over 1000 years ago, in an epoch known as the Silver Millennium, all of the planets were united under the Moon Kingdom, which was ruled by Queen Serenity and her young daughter, Princess Serenity (Serena). The entire universe was happy and peaceful, protected by Queen Serenity's Imperial Silver Crystal and the Sailor Scouts. The Moon was the happiest place of all with parties and fireworks every night.

Princess Serenity’s court consisted of the princess of each of the other planets in our universe. Princess Serenity had been raised to follow in her mother’s footsteps, to rule the Moon. However, she was extremely distracted, for she had fallen in love with a handsome prince from Earth, Prince Endymion (Darien).

Little did anyone know that the evil Queen Metalia, of the Negaverse (Dark Kingdom) was planning to conquer the entire universe! Her servant Queen Beryl had absolute power for the conquest. Queen Beryl’s four strongest generals were Malachite, Zoysite, Neflite and Jadeite.

Queen Beryl and her evil crew conquered the Earth and moved on to the Moon. Prince Endymion had escaped from Earth to warn the people of the Moon that Queen Beryl was on her way. Being faithful to his true love Prince Endymion had chosen to make his final stand defending the Moon.

To combat the Dark Kingdom, Queen Serenity called on the Sailor Scouts, who were the sworn defenders of the Silver Millennium. Not even the power of the Sailor Scouts could combat the terrible evil that was attacking the Moon. All of the Sailor Scouts were killed, as well as Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion.

Queen Serenity was devastated. Her world was destroyed; she had no choice but to use the power of the Imperial Silver Crystal and the Crescent Moon Wand, which would drain the last of her strength.

Queen Serenity’s crystal defeated Queen Beryl’s strongest warriors, by dividing then up into the Seven Shadow Warriors. She imprisoned each one of the Seven Shadow Warriors in a different part of the crystal. The Imperial Silver Crystal was shattered into many pieces. Frozen in moonbeam crystals the Queen sent the Princess of the Moon and her court along with all of Queen Beryl’s soldiers to the future on Earth. Where they were reborn into human bodies, their memories lost to them all. The Queen also sent her two cat advisors, Luna and Artemis, with all of their equipment, to reunite the Sailor Scouts if they were ever needed, so that her daughter would finally be safe at last.

Queen Beryl and her soldiers are restarting their conquest; can Luna and Artemis reunite and train the Sailor Scouts in time to stop their conquest?

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