I have been through almost two years looking after the dooksters and trust me I have learn't a lot of things. At first the dookies were hard to look after, but I got my mind working and came up with a few solutions to my problems. I hope this helps some of you. If you have a problem not mentioned here, email it to me and maybe I can help.

Email Me OR Submit your question on The Dookalicious F.A.Q.

Problems & Solutions

Problem 1 - Litter box or Food bowl keeps being moved around or tipped.

Solution - Go to a home hardware store or home depot and ask for small C-clamps. Buy a few. These clamps are awesome. You can use them to clamp on the litter box so, no matter how hard your ferrets try they won't be able to move them. The same goes for anything you don't want them to move or tip, such as, food bowls, blankets on the shelving of the cage, etc... C-clamps help make cleaning a ferrets cage a little better.

Problem 2 - Keeping the ferret blanket on the bottom of the cage clean.

Solution - Go to either Zellers, Wal-mart, etc... and look for clear plastic shower curtains or table covers. Make sure the size fits the bottom of the cage. Buy one or two. When you get home, lay a clean ferret blanket on the bottom of the cage. Then lay the plastic down, you might have to cut it to size but, make sure you leave extra plastic to hang over the sides. Then place the top of the cage down. Make sure there are no creases or lose plastic edges in the cage. Now wipe the plastic down to clean off any residue and dry it with a towel. Now you can place your food bowl, litter box(with C-clamps), and any other objects. This makes cleaning your cage a little easier because now when you remove the litter box to clean it, all you have to do is wipe down the bottom of the cage as well. And there you go, a clean cage again.

Problem 3 - Litter box woes...

Solution - I have tried every litter box there is but, the only litter box that has worked for me is the square ferret litter box. I first had the triangle litter box and had no problems until my dookie males got bigger. My female ferts had no problems but, the males seemed to find it difficult and ended up either missing the litter box alltogether, pooing in the other corner beside the litter box, or getting some in the litter box and some not. I knew I had a problem so, the first thing I did was buy a corner litter box. That made my life alittle easier but, I knew it wouldn't be the whole solution so, I tried the square litter box and I left the corner litter box where it was. This was the winning combination. I have had no problems since I have done this. Each dookie does his/her business where it should be done and that makes cleaning time ever so easy.