The Dook

Dooking is a low-pitched gibber that is usually accompanied by "hee hee's". The dook or clucking noice is the most common ferret vocalization. This noise is caused by any action that provides excitement or joy such as, wrestling with another ferret, exploring new smells and hiding places, etc... the list goes on.

Click To Hear Dooking

Click To Hear Ferret's Playing

The Screech

Screeching is a high-pitched sound accompanined or even replaced by rapid chattering. The Screech is a reaction to extreme pain, fright, or anger.

The Bark

The Bark is a loud chirp that occurs in a very excited or frightened furball. In a situation where either the Screech or the Bark have been uttered, a responsible ferret owner should assess the situation immediatley and take action if need be.

The Hiss

A hissing ferret is a very annoyed or angry ferret. The hiss is a cross between a "hee hee" and chattering. It can be in long or short durations, depending on the situation. Care should be taken when handling this fert.

Click To Hear Hissing

Other Sounds

Click To Hear Whining