I wanted to provide a useful resource for ferret owners (new and old) on how they can set up a ferret cage. So, I have added pictures and info on the Dook Clan's Cage. Remember, your cage doesn't have to look like mine but, I hope it provides you with useful tips. There are a lot of different cages out there...my cage is a Midwest.

The key to setting up your cage is being creative. Think like a ferret! I try to change the way the cage looks every 3 months. In doing this, I find it stimulates your ferrets mind. If you have any questions about setting up your cage, feel free to email me.

The Top Of The Cage

The top of the cage is mainly where my dookies sleep. I wanted to make sure they were comfortable and that they had different choices on where to sleep. As you can see by the pictures there are plenty of hammocks, tubes, and a cube(a dark comfy hiding spot).

The Middle Of The Cage

I choose to place the biggest hammock I have in the middle part of the cage. This way more than one ferret can sleep together comfortably and... just in case when a dookie slips and falls from the top shelves, the hammock will catch them. This works all the time for me. If you don't want to place a hammock there, you can always build a large middle shelf. I've seen many pictures of cages that have this.

Most of the Dookies though, like the little (blue) hammock just above the middle shelf. I believe this is because they don't have to go far, let a lone, move a muscle to get a drink of water. LOL!

The Bottom Of The Cage

I placed an oval cat bed on the bottom of the cage and attached a C-clamp to it. This is so, my fuzzies won't beable to move the bed somewhere it shouldn't be, such as the litter box. I have both a large square ferret litter box and a corner ferret litter box which are attached with C-clamps. The food bowl is located on the opposite side attached with a C-clamp. I love C-clamps. They are so so useful!

To keep the floor clean, I have placed a plastic sheet over the blanket so, that I will be able to wipe up any mess without having to replace a dirty blanket with a clean one. If you would like to do the same for the bottom of your cage, instructions are found on the "FERRET SOLUTIONS" page located on my site.

I hope this was helpful.