Here is a list of DO NOT'S that Ferret Owner's, new and old, should know.

DO NOT DECLAW your ferret! This can cause serious health problems, not to mention ferrets need there claws to climb, keep balance, and grab on to things.
DO NOT release a ferret into the wild. They have been domesticated for so long that they wouldn't know how to survive without our help.
DO NOT rely only on the advice or opinion of a pet store employee or breeder when it comes to Ferret Law. Always check with an appropriate and knowledgeable agency to obtain details pertaining to ferret ownership where you live.
DO NOT purchase a ferret on your first visit. Decisions should be made on a second or even third visit. This is so you have time to think if a ferret is the right pet for you. It will also detour impulse buying.
DO NOT put a ferret cage directly in the sun. While ferrets do enjoy the warmth of the rays, direct sunlight with no relief can be dangerous. It raises the risk of your ferret getting heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
DO NOT place your ferret(s) near drafts & moisture. This could cause your ferret(s) to become extremely ill. Think of your ferret(s) as members of your family. Keep them comfortable and close by.
DO NOT use litter that is made from Clay (scoopable), Corncob, or Wood Shavings. These types of litter can block your ferret's nasal passages. Pelleted (Recyclable/Plant Fiber) litter is the best and safest to use.
DO NOT feed your ferret(s) products such as, Alcohol/High Sugar Drinks, Coffee/Tea, Dairy Products, Seeds/Nuts, Chocolate, Sugary Foods, Salty Foods, and Raw Egg Whites. These can cause serious health problems.
DO NOT use human toothpaste to brush your ferret's teeth. The ingrediants in human toothpaste are thought to be poisonous to fuzzies as they don't rinse and spit. Use a specialized ferret paste such as "Marshall Ferrets" Ferret Toothpaste and yes, it is important to brush there teeth. Ferrets are prone to gum disease.
DO NOT feed your ferret high fibre food. They can't digest it very well. So, make sure you read the label.