So, you want to know a little about me. Well, I'll try my best.
Name: Christina
Nickname(s): Chris, Chrissy, Chrisblue, and Cricket
Birthday: June 9th
Sign: Gemini
Location: Ontario, Canada
Fav. Colour(s): Blue
Fav. Animal(s): Ferrets, Dogs, Cats...anything really.
Fav. Book(s): The Obernewtyn Chronicles, The Wayfarer Redemption, The Song in the Silence, The Lesser Kindred, Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicals and The Dragonlance Novels.
Fav. Movie(s): Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, A Knights Tale, Titan A.E., Titanic, Disney's Mulan, Queen of the Damned, Disney's Dinosaur, and Underworld.
Fav. T.V. Show(s): Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Star Trek: Voyager, Charmed, X-Files, and the Beastmaster(**Love The Ferrets**).
Fav. Actress(es): Jeri Ryan, Minnie Driver, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Liv Tyler, Julia Roberts, Sigourney Weaver, Natalie Portman, and Jodi Foster.
Fav. Actor(s): Ben Affleck, Keanu Reeves, Russel Crowe, James Marsters, David Boreanz, Ryan Phillippe, Anthony Hopkins, Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, Stuart Townsend and Scott Speedman.
Fav. Music: I'll listen to anything...Rock, Alternative, Dance, etc...
Area(s) of Interest: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Animals, Nature, Art, Space, and Web Design.
Fav. Flower: Tulip
Fav. Season: SUMMER!!
Hobbies: Reading, Painting/Drawing, Fishing, and Webpage Design.