Just Some Thoughts

April 26, 2006....I have never been so disappointed.....

I am sooooo upset right now. Our Defense Minister and PM have decided that media will no longer be allowed on the base for repatriation. WT....?!?!?! I know it is the first time the families really get to grieve, but it also the first time Canadians really get to pay their respects to the fallen troops. Also, with media coverage it also allows family members who can't attend funerals of fallen family members to pay their respects. But now, that won't happen anymore. Media is not allowed on the base at all. And in all of this neither of these government officials consulted with the families of military families. Does anyone else find this deeply saddening. Now, I have no hate of our US neighbours but we really don't need to follow in their footsteps. We don't need to be jumping off any bridges with them. All of us are untitled to grieve in our own way but I think we can come to some happy medium. Families of the fallen can be asked if they want the media to show pics of their sons/daughters/husbands/wives. If they do, then go ahead. If not, simply turn off the tv cameras and respect that. The Canadian media would respect and understand that. I mean is it going to come to wives sneaking cam corders in their purse to tape the ceremony for other family members. This whole mentality of "out of sight, out of mind" is ridiculous and unfair. People need to know about lose to respect freedom and life, and the cost of it.

Mood: T.V: Being Ian Reading: nothing right now Project: Siggies

12:30pm ::

April 22, 2006....enjoying the warm weather again.....

K and I spent another afternoon enjoying the sun. We enjoyed it so much that I actually got a sunburn. The boys came over and we moms just hung out and chatted. I am gonna miss the girls, they are just too much fun. So, in all that I didn't get any more cleaning done in my hugely messy basement. We also had a quick dinner of cold cuts and fruits and veggies. Yummy.

I do have some sad news to report, Canada lost another 4 of it's military sons. There was an accident with an IED in A'stan and that is one of the saddest thing I have heard in a while. Our total losses now sit at 16 since 2002, and though some out there may think that's not alot, to us who love them it's 16 too many. My thoughts and prayers go out to their loved ones, friends and family. God Bless. And that's all I'm gonna rant about that.

Tomorrow is supposed to be another nice day so K and I will most likely spend it outside. I did get to create and design a few more siggies and that makes me happy. I will have tons for the update at month's end. Membership will be closing there soon so I am hoping to have a last rush of new members. I have to start the housecleaning regiment again in the next few days so I may as well enjoy these ones off. I can't believe it's almost month's end again. Holy macaroni. Good night all.

Mood: T.V: Karate Kid Reading: nothing right now Project: Siggies

11:32pm ::

March 19, 2006....So busy and so little time.....still....

Well, it's been a while. Things have been a bit chaotic around here. Dh will be home in about 3 days. WOO HOO. I am busy cleaning and doing some last minute errands before he gets home. Yesterday was a bit of a wash with swimming, getting stuff for our new fish(we pick him up on Monday or Tuesday) and planting K's flowers in the front garden.

The neighbours ended up coming over and K and their little guy played in the yard for a few hours. I was supposed to clean and wash the car but I didn't get it done. No biggie, the kids had fun and got some exercise. Today is another nice day so I have to do the car. I ended up housecleaning til about 11 pm last night to get done what needed to be. Grr....luckily K slept in this morning and I went to bed early last night.

Today brings more housecleaning and some more outside time. K will be happy. So, now we are off to get dressed. Have a great day everyone.

Mood: T.V: nothing, K is playing upstairs Reading: nothing right now Project: Siggies

12:33pm ::

March 3, 2006....Whole new appreciation.....

OMGosh, I didn't realize how hard it is to create siggies, even from lineart little own from scratch. Now that I have opened my own site and am creating as much as time allow, holy smokes does it ever take up time. I have a lot of stuff on the site but a long way to go before it's the way I want it. I am so lucky as I was able to aquire a copy of PSP8 and Animation Shop 3, which is a huge help. I have joined some lineart and graphics sites. Now I just have to get my name out there and keep working on making my siggies better. I think I may try animating soon. I joined an adorable little site called Sigtag of the Month Club, which is very cute and looks like tons of fun.

Only a few more weeks 'til L is home for a vacation. WOO HOO. The countdown isn't offically on yet but it is in the back of my mind. I don't usually put too much stock in thinking about it and I know in deployments anything can happen. You're talking plane delays, weather, unknown, etc. So, I really don't get excited 'til he calls from the airport to say he is on his way home.

Tomorrow is another weekend and I have some housecleaning to do. I most likely will start on Sunday. I am knee deep in creating a siggy for SOTM and want it to be really nice. The weather here has been really yucky and so we have been stuck inside unless we are running around in the car. K has developed some imaginary friends and they come everywhere with us. Too cute. My birthday is only 28 days away and I'm indifferent, too old to be excited about it and too young to worry if I will see another one or not. I think at this one I will stop aging and just keep celebrating the next one like the one before it.

Mood: T.V: Ghost WhispererReading: nothing right now Project: Winnie the Pooh cross stitch for a friend's ds

9:49pm ::

February 19, 2006....Quiet, relaxing end to the weekend.....

Well, the weekend went off without a hitch. Saturday we went to our swimming lessons, then off to get me some new sneakers. My most favorite sneakers blew a big hole in the side when I went to put them on the other day. I am still recovering from the loss of them. Luckily I got some on a 50% off sale and new sandals to boot. WOO HOO. Anyone who knows me will atest to the fact that I wear sandals all year round. I guess it's a good thing I live somewhere where that is possible(most of the time). Then we headed off to run a few errands and over to DQ for icecream. OMGosh it was soooooo good. I haven't gone there in forever and I had to try the new Choco Cherry Love blizzard, which is soooo yummy.

Today was a quiet day. K and I just went for a drive and picked up some yummies. We stopped at Walmart and picked her up some new shirts and new jeans. They are so cute on her. She was happy as she got to play with the Little People cd machine. I think that is her favorite thing about going there. The rest of the day was quiet and K just watched her movie. I finished the housecleaning for the week and we had leftovers for dinner. I know, I know....way too much excitement. Tomorrow we have some birthday cards to mail out and I want to see what new movies are in at the video store. Hope you all had a great weekend.

By The Way Sunday

By the way...
Which do you prefer?

Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Milk chocolate...yum
Hard candies or chewy candies? Hard candies
Tootsie Pops or Blow Pops? Blow pops
Plain M&Ms or Peanut M&Ms? Peanut M&M's
Are you tempted by the candy display at the grocery store check-out? OMGosh, yes
What is your absolute favorite candy? I really don't have a favorite, I LOVE them all(almost). I think Cadbury Cream eggs are my fav though. Too bad you only get them at Easter.

Mood: T.V: Desperate Housewives Reading: nothing right now Project: Winnie the Pooh cross stitch for a friend's ds

9:04pm ::

February 16, 2006....Sad news today.....

Today was a relatively quiet day. K and I just bummed around the house and hung out together. Didn't really do much of anything. I got some housecleaning done and she got to watch some movies. I did however get to phone a friend I haven't talked to in a while. Mind you, the circumstances weren't the best but it was good to hear her cheery voice. She had an unfortunate miscarriage on the weekend. Poor girl, and her dh is in A'stan and really wants to come home. He will be getting his leave early though and they will be coming here to visit...I hope. YAY. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully L will get to call tonight. He said he was going to but I am not holding my breath. Now I am off to watch CSI and just chillout for a while. K is in bed and a load of wash is in the washer. YAY for me. Night all.

Mood: T.V: CSI Reading: nothing right now Project: Winnie the Pooh cross stitch for a friend's ds

9:04pm ::

January 10, 2006....Welcome to my home....
Welcome to my BLOG. It was a while getting it up and together but here I am. This site will grow as I do. It's my own little stop on the web for just me to come and be me.

Dh is deployed again but it always seems like that. I hope someday soon all this slows down. We miss him lots and I am sure he knows that.

Stay a while and look around. Drop me a line in my ShoutBox before you leave.

Mood: T.V: Dora the Explorer Reading: who has time for that?!?!