Knoll Area Music Parents Association


Adopted April 4, 2000

Amended September 12, 2000

Amended September 27, 2005

Amended September 9, 2008





This organization shall be known as the Knoll Area Music Parent’s Association (hereinafter referred to as “KAMPA”).





The purposes of KAMPA shall be to:


1.               Lend moral, financial and supervisory support for the teachers’ programming.


2.               Promote an interest in band and choir music among pupils of the Winston Knoll High School and Area Elementary Schools of the Regina Board of Education.


3.               Provide the students with:


a.               equal opportunities to participate in music programming, and

b.               opportunities for input and leadership.


4.               Support the teachers in non-musical areas, such as:


a.               fundraising,

b.               trip planning,

c.               concert chaperones, and

d.               other unspecified activities that may arise from time to time.





Membership in KAMPA includes and is restricted to:


1.               All parents and/or guardians of students registered in:


a.               the Knoll Area Elementary School Bands,

b.               the Winston Knoll High School Bands,

c.               the Winston Knoll High School Choirs.


2.               Other persons at the approval of the Executive.





1.       The Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) shall be constituted at the Annual Meeting and shall be determined in the following manner:


a.               President, to be elected;


b.               Vice-president, to be elected;


c.               Secretary, to be elected;


d.               Treasurer, to be elected;


e.               Communications Coordinator, to be elected;


f.                Fundraising Coordinator, to be elected;


g.               Parent Representative for:


1)       Each Elementary School Band, to be elected;

2)              Winston Knoll High School Band, to be elected;

3)       Winston Knoll High School Choir, to be elected;


h.               Band and Choir Directors, by virtue of position;


i.        Past President, by virtue of position;


          j.        Student Representative (one representative for 30 members) for:


1)              Winston Knoll High School Band, to be elected by their classmates.

2)              Winston Knoll High School Choir, to be elected by their classmates.


k.       Regina Board of Education Liaison Representative, by virtue of position.


2.       In lieu of a Secretary and a Treasurer, KAMPA may elect a Secretary-Treasurer.


3.               The President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer) and the Past President are the executive officers of KAMPA (hereinafter referred to as the Executive).


4.               Executive Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to hold office for a term of one year.


5.               Retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election.


6.               Executive Officers may hold office a maximum of four consecutive terms; however, if there are no candidates, the term may be extended subject to the provisions of Section III until a candidate comes forward.


7.               A retiring President shall automatically hold the office of Past President for a term of one year.


8.       The Board shall be empowered to:


a.               Manage all the affairs of KAMPA between annual meetings.


b.               Appoint standing or ad hoc committees as it deems necessary.


c.               Conduct or authorize the conduct of fund raising activities.


d.               Remove from office for just cause any member of the Executive provided a quorum for a Board meeting is met.


e.       Expend such funds as may be required to meet day-to-day requirements subject to a limit imposed at an Annual General Meeting and published in the Bylaws of KAMPA.  Approval for expending these funds must be given at the next monthly meeting.


9.               The Executive may remove a Board member who fails to attend five or more executive meetings in a term.  The resulting vacancy may be filled by appointment from the remaining Board to complete the current term.





1.       The Annual General Meeting of KAMPA shall be held each year in September in place of the regular monthly meeting.


2.       Notice of an Annual General Meeting shall be given to the members by means to be decided by the Board; such notice shall be issued at least seven days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.


3.               The Board shall meet at the call of the President, the Vice-president or a Music Director.


4.               Meeting(s) procedures shall be governed by the rules outlined in The Roberts Rules of Order.


5.               Regular monthly meetings shall be held at a time and place to be determined at the Annual General Meeting.


6.               Quorums must meet the following attendance parameters:


a.       Annual General Meeting.  Fifteen (15) members of KAMPA present at the Annual General Meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of transacting business.


b.       Board Meetings.  Five of the Board members present, which must include two (2) Executive Officers, shall constitute a quorum to conduct business at a meeting of the Board of Directors.


c.       Regular Monthly Meetings.  Ten (10) members of KAMPA present, which must include two (2) Executive Officers, shall constitute a quorum to conduct business at a regular monthly meeting.





The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at the Annual General Meeting.  The amendments must have been presented at the immediately preceding meeting of the Board of Directors.  The membership must be notified of such amendments at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.





Upon dissolution of the Association, any monies and/or other property of KAMPA shall become the property of the Music Department of Winston Knoll High School of the Board of Education, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Knoll Area Music Parents Association


Adopted April 4, 2000

Amended September 12, 2000





1.               The President shall:


a.               Preside at all meetings of KAMPA.

b.               Represent KAMPA on the Winston Knoll Community Council, or delegate

c.               Be an ex-officio member of all committees.

d.               Coordinate and/or delegate planning for annual tours.

e.               Have signing authority.


2.               The Vice-president shall:


a.               Assume all the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to act.

b.               Have signing authority.


3.               The Secretary shall:


a.               Keep the minutes of all Board and monthly meetings.

b.               Keep the minutes of the Annual General Meetings.

c.               Attend to all correspondence concerning KAMPA.

d.               Keep all correspondence on file.


4.               The Treasurer shall:


a.               Keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, showing each activity or project separately.


b.               Have signing authority.


c.               Issue cheques for all disbursements approved by the Board of Directors.


d.               Issue receipts when required for funds received.


e.               Present a financial statement for the close of the fiscal year to the Annual General Meeting.


5.               The Communications Coordinator shall:


a.               Update the KAMPA website.

b.               Prepare and/or send out communications.

c.               Keep a current list of email addresses.


6.               The Fundraising Coordinator shall:


a.               Investigate new ideas for fundraising and ensure that they meet school policies.


b.               Assist parents in organizing and running fundraisers by providing guidance on KAMPA procedures.


c.               Ensure the Communications Coordinator has the details of fundraisers in order that the information can be passed on to parents.


d.               Assist parents in keeping proper records of the fundraiser and ensuring all funds are provided to the Treasurer in proper form for deposit.


e.               Provide a monthly report at the KAMPA meetings about the current fundraisers and any completed since the last meeting.


7.               The Parent Representatives shall assist the Music Directors in the non-musical operation of the bands.  They shall provide the link between the Executive and the music parents of their school.


8.               The Music Directors shall be responsible for all aspects of the operation of the bands and choirs and shall act as liaison between the Regina Board of Education and the Board of Directors.


9.               The Past President shall assist the Executive in its operations.





1.               The President, prior to the Annual General Meeting, shall appoint a Nominating Committee.


2.               The Past President shall act as chairperson of the Nominating Committee.


3.               If the Past President is unable to chair the nominating meeting, the Vice-president shall assume those duties.


4.               The report of the Nominating Committee will be made at the Annual General Meeting.  Nominations may be made after the presentation of the report.


5.               Elections of respective members of the Board of Directors shall be conducted at the Annual General Meeting.


6.               Elected members shall take office at the beginning of the new school year.





1,       The fiscal year of KAMPA shall be from August 1 to July 31.


2.               Money raised after May 1 in any fundraising effort shall be credited to the following fiscal year.





1.               All funds of KAMPA shall be kept in a chartered bank, a credit union or a trust company.


2.               The signing officers for the bank account(s) shall be the Treasurer, President and Vice-president.


3.               Two signing officers must sign each cheque.





An auditor shall be appointed by the membership at a general meeting but need not be a member.  He/she shall audit the financial records of KAMPA annually and shall present a report to the membership at the first monthly meeting of the school year.

From the KAMPA Bylaws






1.               All funds of KAMPA shall be kept in a chartered bank, a credit union or a trust company.


2.               The signing officers for the bank account(s) shall be the Treasurer, President or Vice-president.


3.               Two signing officers must sign each cheque.


4.               The Executive may set a fee payable by the member students or their families that will cover the projected operating costs for the current fiscal year.





1.               All funds raised in any fundraising event shall remain the property of KAMPA general revenue unless:


a.               If the student quits KAMPA during the school year and has a sibling currently in KAMPA or an upcoming sibling in the upcoming school year, in this event only, the funds will be automatically transferred or held over to the sibling’s KAMPA account.


b.               If the student quits KAMPA and has no sibling registered as a current KAMPA member or has no upcoming sibling in the upcoming school year, in this event only, the student may request his or her funds be redirected in accordance with the following rules of redirection of funds:


1)              The student must remain a registered student of Winston Knoll Collegiate (WKC).


2)              The request for funds to be redirected must be made in writing by the student or his/her parent/guardian and submitted to a KAMPA executive member a minimum of seven (7) business days prior to the next monthly KAMPA meeting.


3)              This written request will be reviewed and either approved or denied by KAMPA members and executive at the next monthly meeting following receiving said request.


4)              The event must be school sanctioned (ie Outdoor Ed or any other school‑sanctioned event as they appear in the school).


5)              The request of funds must be made a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the said event.


6)              The funds requested cannot be greater than the funds required for said event.


7)              The funds, upon approval, will be redirected to the approved event’s treasury, not the student.


8)              If the student does not request a transfer of funds prior to the KAMPA annual choir/band trip in the year the student quits KAMPA and has no siblings, then these funds shall be transferred to general revenue and remain the property of KAMPA.


9)              If the student’s upcoming sibling decides not to register in KAMPA, in the first school year of the funds being held over, those funds shall be transferred to general revenue and remain the property of KAMPA at the beginning of said school year.


2.               Funds may be raised for general purposes, as payment for the annual fee set by the Executive or for specific events (ex. high school band and choir trips).



Specific Event Fundraising


1.               Fundraising events shall be presented only at a monthly meeting.  The person in charge of an event or scheme may schedule additional meetings to coordinate activities.  In general, these events (in the case of products sales) should not last longer than one month.


2.               Funds raised by or on behalf of a student will be held in that student’s account as long as he/she is a member of KAMPA.


3.               Should a student withdraw from a specific event and remain a member of KAMPA, funds raised will be carried over to the following year.


4.               If a student quits KAMPA but has a sibling still registered with KAMPA, the funds raised for that student may be transferred to the sibling’s account.


5.               If a student quits KAMPA and no siblings are registered with KAMPA, any funds raised shall be transferred to general revenue.


6.               Funds raised will be applied first to the KAMPA annual fee unpaid after November 1 in the current fiscal year.


7.               In the case of the annual High School Band and Choir Bus Tour, a student may raise the actual cost of the trip plus a reasonable amount to be determined by the Executive for food and spending money.


8.               The Executive may impose a limit on the amount of any funds raised for any specific event.