Click on a shot name to play the quicktime.




Fantastic Four


                        We did the set extension and effects of the Brooklin Bridge sequence, when The Thing discovers his strength and causes a major car pile-up. See the still frame for a before/after comparison.












The Exorcist


The hyenas were our main creations on this movie. They are the heroes of a sequence and come back a few times during the film. We also had some effects (dust etc) and shadow/light passes to integrate, always keeping in mind the overall darkness of the shots. (these quicktimes are heavy, you might want to save them locally first)







Alien Planet

I supervised the compositing of this Discovery Channel project during the winter 2004-2005 (team of 10 compers). This drama, based on a book, follows two probes on a exploring mission to a foreign planet. The creatures were CG in a mapped environment : 360 degrees digital images were shots on various locations and were  then separated into elements (skies, mountains etc) that were projected on geometry, and then comped with a dose of color corrections, smoothing and overall massaging. These clips only shot one of many different creatures; I participated in the look development of this sequence.










Scooby Doo 2 : Monsters Unleashed


Being the dinosaur specialists that Meteor Studios is, we were awarded the pterodactyl sequence. Scooby himself was provided as an element and we integrated him at the same time.










Coming soon (march 2007) : 300. Watch the 300 trailer, also available in HD.


In October 2005, I was responsible for compositing the test shot for 300; I was also in charge of the look development (intensive color corrections based on client requests, visual references and concept arts) until the Comp Lead started on the show in February 2006. The shot was I used for the look was the medium close up shot of the Messenger that we see in the trailer (the black man with a jeweled hat). I worked on several shots of the wheat fields sequence as well as some shots that take place in the marketplace of Sparta. All the images were shot in studio against bluescreen.


















Juliette Mourez, visual effects compositor