Superstition Iris Gardens Home
2536 Old Highway, Cathey's Valley Garden tours

Host:  Rick Tasco and Roger Duncan  randrcv (at)

Superstition started in Arizona and moved to California in August 1990.  It has a much higher elevation than the other convention gardens, so the bloom season is 7-10 days delayed.

Sid DuBose (Melrose Gardens) and Phil Edinger (HIPS Identification Chair) were special garden guests!  Unfortunately, Phil was not available on Thursday.

On the other hand, the convention guests were absolutely magnificent.  So wonderful were the gardens that I ran out of battery power before I was nearly complete. 

And that turned out to be an extremely fortuitous decision.  With all due respect to all the other conventions and all the other gardens we have visited, Superstition had the most outstanding display beds we have yet encountered. 

Update:  'Splashacata'  wins the Wister with 123 votes, 'Chocolate Mint' wins the Clarence G. White Medal with 42 votes and 'Golden Panther' wins its AM with 195 votes.  All and all, an excellent year for Rick Tasco

Other tour shots

Roger's first  take



The Road Not Taken... until the following Thursday

Bach Toccata (Baumunk - R) Jackie Horden (De Santis - R)
Beyond the Blue (Christopherson 01) Juke Box Hero Lauer 03)
Bold As Love (Lauer 03) Lady Jane (Lauer 01)
Bubbling Surf (Johnson, L 02) Mr Flounce (Christopherson 01)
Bumble Boogie (Probst 03) No Doubt (Lauer 04)
Carousel Waltz (Helsley 96) Parquet Lady (Schick 03)
Cayenne (Smith, M - R) Paul Black (Johnson 03)
Celestial Explosion (Tasco 04) Rare Find (Ghio 03)
Chocolate Chess (Moores 02) Scandalous (Craig 01)
Classy Friend (Boswell 99) Slovak Prince (Mego 03)
Dynamite (Schreiner's 97) Spring Blush (Fisher 02)
Florence Nightingale (Baumunk 03) That's Red (Fisher 00)
Heart of Africa (Kasperek 00) Walker Ross (Ross by Chapman 96)
Winning Ticket (Miller L. 99)
98-20-10 (Boyce, S) E24-2 (Bunnell, C)
99-8-S (Bushnell, H)

Just a side note; I have never seen a decent picture taken of Rick or Roger.  Never.