Nicholson's Woodland Iris Garden Home
P.O. Box 578668, Modesto Garden tours

Host:  Gordon and Lorraine Nicholson

The Nicholson family is now a full time proposition!  After ten years as a part-time 'hobby', they now have a full time 'retirement'.

The convention beds have received exactly the same special treatment as the rest of their gardens... California climate and eucalyptus shade. 

Lucille welcomes the bloom season.  Watch for the roses, Christmas trees, and the Koi.

Highly personal observations: 

a) The neighbours were plowing the days of the convention.  The black iris weren't diamond-dusted today!

b) The eucalyptus provided a wonderful relief for all.

Other tour shots

Barbara M

Steve Rocha



Amethyst Suncatcher (Cadd 01) Oasis Cathy (Chadwick 02)
Artist's Pallet (Chapman 00) Oasis War Bonnet (Chadwick 02)
Back Roads (Stahly 01) Obi Wan Kenobi (Mahan 03)
Cayenne (Smith - R) Revere (Ghio 02)
Cherry Berry (Willot 03) Satin Song (Stahly 00)
Dandy Candy (Ernst 01) Sea Power (Keppel 99)
Devilish Nature (Boswell 98) Sergeant Preston (Chapman 00)
Elegant Girl (Cadd 00) Teapot Tempest (Markham, L 99)
Glowing Smile (Hager 01) Toucan Tango (Kasperek 00)
Golden Panther (Tasco 00) T-Rex (Richardson 02)
Highland Games (Aitken, 00) Western Tradition (Hager 02)
Hot Property (Hager 02) Widdershins (Roberts 99)
Italian Ice (Cadd 01) Willamette Mist (Schreiner's 01)
Magical Glow (Schreiner's 03)
The following seedlings were not at the convention and are of interest only because both the pod parent (Sergeant Preston) and the pollen parent (Sea Power) are both shown here.  Why of interest?  The cross yielded 21 seedlings and three had variagated foliage.  SPSP-1 and SPSP-2, with an added headshot of both.  While neither parent has VF in their background, Keith Keppel recently discovered a VF seedling in his seedling beds whose pollen parent was also 'Sea Power'.  Shouldn't happen.